Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rice Cereal - 2nd Try!

Okay so, we're getting closer but still not quite there - at least she's enjoying it this time. We'll be trying again after Christmas - better timing for Mommy then anyhow. BTW - her hair isn't red but it sure looks red in these. . . . . . . . .

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I've Gotta feed my Baby!

So Taylor gets Breast and Bottle Fed and as you can see from the pics beloow - so does "Yellow Baby". =)

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Zoo Lights!

So - Jake and I have been to Zoo Lights almost every year since we've been dating and we're continuing the tradition with the girls. This year we invited both sets of Grandparents and Auntie Liz and Cousin Melody. We all had a great time although it was freezing (I wasn't layered up enough - that's for sure)! Hopefully next year will be warmer!

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sitting Pretty!

Look who's almost sitting up! Taylor is 5.5 months in these pics and she's doing pretty well with the whole sitting up thing! She's got it with support so a couple more weeks and she'll have it down. And as you can see - she loves hanging with her sister! Oh and sorry these aren't the best pics - lighting was really odd that morning!

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