Friday, January 30, 2009

7 Months With Baby Chayce

Here's me at 7 Months (Approx January 15th). I'm really starting to grow. About a week after this picture I was told that Chayce was in the 70th Percentile for her size and she's growing about 2 weeks ahead. Something tells me Mommy is growing even more ahead - I'll get measured again soon. We get another Ultrasound on Presidents Day (Feb 16th) to check her size again so that will be fun. And although I passed the Glucose Test with flying colors (For Pregnancy Diabetes) - they found some glucose in my urine so that in combo with Chayce's size (which is typical for my kiddos - Reagan was also 2 weeks ahead) has them wondering SO, if they see it again I get another Glucose Screen. Probably 3 hours long so THAT would be AWESOME! Ugh. Well we'll update next month!

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