Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our Spring Centerpiece

I just had to post Our Centerpiece of a Weeds (flowers) in a Shot Glass (Vase). Kids are so cute!

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Ellie's Princess Party

Reagan's Friend Ellie had a Princess Party (Back in March so I'm late to post this) with a Special Guest. How awesome is this idea for any little Girls Birthday? HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY ELLIE! Thank you for a Wonderful time!
Reagan with Cinderella and The Birthday Girl Ellie

Reagan and Cinderella

Chatting it up (What Morris Gals love to do)




More of Our Girls

Chayce at 3 Weeks - Sweet Girl
(She is also in an outfit that has made it and fit all 3 girls) Cute!

Such a GREAT Big Sissy! So in love with her Baby Sister!

LOL! Our attempt at a pic of all three. Crazy girls!

Sweet Baby at 3 weeks

Getting Better at CHEESE

Taylor is SO tough to get a picture of - ecspecially if I want it posed but she's gettingt better. These pics are her "Cheesing" and the last pic is of her doing Gymnastics like Big Sissy does.

Funny Face

My Silly Reagan. . . . . .

We took like 15 of these

She cracks me up

Ahhh there's my Sweetheart - The Silly Faces were fun though

Chayce 2 weeksish

Our Sweet Girl at 2 Weeks

First Smile at 2 weeks

Thursday, April 9, 2009