Friday, May 22, 2009

Our Pretty Baby is 2 Months Old

These are pics of Chayce at almost 2 Months Old. She weighs 9lbs 13oz and she's 23 inches long. Long and thin. 75th percentile for height and head and 5th percentile for weight so we're trying to chunk up a bit more even though those cheeks might be at full capacity! LOL! She's doing awesome though! Very smiley and loves anyone that will give her attention!

Our New Centerpiece

Pretty huh!? Man - I can't wait until our roses bloom!

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Naughty Taylor

So my first child to totally scribble all over the place. This is Taylor and her masterpiece on my Pantyry Door. Reagan then asked if she could clean it. LOL. The last picture is Taylor being silly with the crayons. =)

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Many Faces of 6 Week Chayce





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A Couple Park Pics

It's that time of year again! I'm being begged DAILY to go to the park. They always have so much fun. Taylor is WAY fearless compared to Reagan at 2 - Mommy just holds her breath a lot and prays. =)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Same Expression

After taking this picture of Chayce I immediately thought of the next picture of Taylor at the same age. I'm starting to think Chayce is loking even more like Taylor every day.

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