Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Baby Bath Time!!!

Just a few cute Bath Pics of Chayce at 10 weeks!

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Reagan's 4th Birthday!

Our Sweet Reagan is 4!!! I can hardly believe it! She has grown to be such a sweet little girl! She's so loving and happy and smart! She's an awesome Big Sister and daughter! We are ALL blessed to have her in our lives! Happy 4th Birthday Miss Reagan! We love you so much!!! You deserve all the best!!! We hope you had a great day!!!

First Weekend at The Lake

Yay!!! It's that time of year again! Fun stuff!! Mommy was Shore Bound with Baby Chayce but I'll get out eventually. Next year we'll even have our own Travel Trailer - we need it! Yipee!

Getting ready to go on the boat

Safety First!

Jake's New Wet Suit

He obviously feels all buff. LOL! My handsome man!

Ahhh, heading out to the boat.

Chillin' in the RV

Having a Happy Day!

Miss Reagan

Busy Girl! And Filthy I might add! But that's what makes the lake fun!

Hard at Work.

Love this sand stuff!

Hanging under the table with the dog. LOL!

Reagan's Cheer Showcase

This was SO much fun to watch! It was very cute and hilarious in the same. Me and another Mom were laughing so hard we were crying. This is such a fun silly age! They did great!!!!!

This First Pic - Reagan came out facing the wrong way. LOL!

There we go - all better! =)

1 and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (she practiced all the time)

This poor Little Guy. LOL! Reagan and his twin sister bullying him. Hilarious. He's a good sport!

With their medals

With her Roses from Mana and Papa

Pre-School Field Day

Field Day was on the last day of school and it was so much fun!!! Reagan did great and had a really great time! I still can't believe the school year is over. She had an AWESOME year and has grown so much in such a short time. We are SO crazy proud of her and anxious to enjoy the summer and prepare for next year! Pre-K - here we come!!!

"Mom, I won!!!" And yes, she runs JUST like I do!

Carry the dude on the spoon
Reagan and Mrs. Montante (she loved her teachers!)

Reagan and Mrs. Allen
Class Gift to Mrs. Montante