Sunday, August 9, 2009

A couple park pics!

Lovin the Park!!!!

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Just when i thought she was big. . . . .

I realized the only thing Big on her is those Georgeous Blue Eyes! Okay those cheeks are pretty big too! =)

Laying her next to Reagan was a reminder of not only how little she still but how big my other baby is! Man - wasn't Reagan this age yesterday??

2 of our 3 Doll Faces! =)

Man - look at those tiny hands

Chayce is 4 Months!!

Our Baby Girl is Chunking up!! She's 13lbs 4 ounces (50%) and 25 (75%) inches Long! Her head is in the 97th percentile which is common in our family!! Big heads mean Big brains!!! =) She's doing awesome! She's starting to roll a bit and her personality is totally coming out! It's so much fun! She seems like a busy girl (similar to Taylor) and just sweet as pie (like Reagan). Like both of her sisters, she's happy and lovey!

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Chayce is in her Saucer!

WOW! I can't believe it! Chayce is in her saucer! Just like Reagan she's LOVING it and it's buying me a bit more time during the day! Yay!!!


Butterfly Pavillion

The girls and I went to The Butterfly Pavillion and had a Great Time! Reagan was so great raising her hand and participating in the class we went to about Lady Bugs and Taylor just had fun exploring including climbing on EVERYTHING! Chayce was typical - just hanging out! It was a great time!

Holding Rosie! Brave Girl!!!!!!

Reagan reading and Taylor climbing into a Fish Tank

Holding their Lady Bugs they caught

The 5 of us! Doesn't my Mom look great!!

Taylor July Lake Pics

Taylor always has such a blast at The Lake just doing her own thing. It's so cute!

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Reagan July Lake Pics

Our Big Girl having fun in the water!! Man - it's tough to get her out! =)

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Chayce Lake July

Chayce doesn't get nearly as much Camera Time at The Lake as everyone else so here are a couple pics of how he days go.

Lovin on her Lovey!
Playing with Papa

Being strong!
Chillin with Mommy

Man - Long Day! Our Sweet Little Strawberry is fast asleep!

Reagan's First Tube RIde!!

We tried tubing last year with Little Luck. The Tube had a hole and riding with Daddy was just too much weight so thanks to Titi - Reagan Tubing Take 2 went off with a bang! She had SO much fun and did so well! We are so proud of her! Papa had tears in his eyes "Another Generation on the water". =) I think he was even more proud than Mommy and Daddy! It was a pretty Big Deal! Yay Reagan!

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June Lake Fun!!

The Girls in the tube together! LOL!

Taylor doing her favorite thing - Playing in the mud! FUN STUFF!!!

Yay! Go Daddy!!

Mana and Cousin Sage. CUTE!

Taylor turns 2!!!

Taylor's 2nd Birthday was celebrated at The Lake AND On Father's Day this year! Everyone got Pink Cupcakes as we sang Happy Birthday! You can tell by the pics the cupcakes were a hit with Baby T! We bought her a fun new Dora Bike! Her First Bike!! She loves it but still needs some practice! I think it makes her feel Big like Reagan! =) Wow and as her Mommy - it's AMAZING how big she's getting! She's such a sweetheart with a zest for life like no other! We love you so much Baby T!!!!