Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fun At The Mall!!!

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My Sweet Baby T!

Camera Fun Outside!

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My Sweet Reagan

Just having some Camera Fun Outside!!

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Spaghetti (and carrots) Night!!

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Nap Time!

How could I not share this picture?

LOL! Not sure what's going on here - maybe Reagan was snoring? LOL!
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Chayce is ALMOST 7 Months!!!

Man, time flies even faster the more kiddos you have!!! I forgot to do a 6m update so here's a 7 Month Update. Chayce will be 7 months on October 26th. She's doing just perfect! She's sitting up unassisted but if I'm not near I'll put something buy her - she's rolling well from Back to tummy but only when she feels like it Tummy to back. She's ARmy Crawling legs only. It's hilarious to watch but she is SO ready to get moving!!! She LOVES to bounce and stand! And has a blast in her saucer and playing on the floor with her sisters. She's happy and sweet and gives kisses. At 6 months she was 27 inches and 16lbs 11 ounces. I don't remember what her head was besides big which is typical for my girls. She's doing awesome though!!! Sucha perfect addition to Our Fam!!! =)

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First Snow of The Winter

This was the weekend of 10/10. . . .that's early for us!! Brrr! The Girls LOVED it!!!

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How DId I get that!?

So. . . .just and example of how I get 1 good pic of the 3 of them. First pic is the good pic!

Taylor not wanting to pose because she wants to sit by Chayce.
Chacye has now been moved and Taylor is now playing Tickle Time while Reagan is busy being the Oldest Sister. =)
Chayce just pulled Taylor's hair. Neverf mind the additional ones I have of Reagan coughing or no one looking. LOL. they're fun though!
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