Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall Fun!

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4 Month Pregnancy Update!!!

Okay I know, I am SO slacking on the Pregnancy Updates so here ya go! All is well for the most part. Little rougher than my perfect pregnancy with Taylor but we're doing fine. Baby is looking great and Doc is saying girl. Even an Ultrasound hinted girl to us. We'll find out for sure November 16th. I'm feeling great and never had too much nausea but keeping up with 2 this time wears me out a bit more than last pregnancy. I also feel huge since strangers are always shocked to hear I'm not due for another 5 months or so. Oh well - this is just what I do. I figure this is nothing compared to what I'll post at Christmas. The Girls are super excited and Reagan insists she is pregnant with twins ("and not pretend Mommy") so maybe 25+ years from now, we'll get to meet them! =) I've also attached a comparison pic from reagan's pregnancy - can't find my 4 Month pic from Taylor's pregnancy though.

4 Months Pregnant (I think I get Bigger with each Pregnancy but I hear that's typical right!? =) )

4 Months Pregnant with Reagan

Pumkin Patch Take One

This is the First of 3 Pumpkin Patch Trips for Reagan. This one was with some friends of ours. Just me and the girls.

Just Chillin and waiting on some Pumpkins

Diggin the Hay Maze

"Jacob, Where are you"

The Wagon Ride is always a Blast! "Hold on Tight"

Spread The Love

Okay I was having probs with my flash this night but I just had to share these pics of Taylor loving on her Great Grandparents. She was cracking me up.

Great Grandma Crisman

Great Grandpa Jaramillo

Great Grandpa Crisman

Great Grandma Jaramillo

Our New Neice!!!

We have a new neice! Our First neice on the Crisman side (Heather's Bro is Daddy)! Sage Olivia was born on September 25th at 7lbs 9oz and 20.5 inches! She is a total sweetheart with beautiful red hair and looks an awful lot like her Mommy so she's not complaining. =) She's already loving her cousin Reagan and scared of her loud in your face "BABY" Cousin Taylor but we know ultimately they'll all have so much fun together! This family is lovin' the girls!

Reagan and Sage - Reagan is already so smitten with Baby Sage
Uncle Adam (Daddy) with the 2 girls
LOVE this pic! She's a little tounge bandit.
Our Fam with Baby Sage. Daddy thinking "Wow, we'll be here soon".

Crisman Girls
Kim (Mommy), Baby Sage, Reagan, Mana, Mommy Heather, Baby T, Titi (Tee-Tee)