Monday, November 3, 2008

Our Little Halloween Bugs!

We all had a Wonderful but BUSY Halloween! With a Party that Morning and a fun evening - everyone slept VERY well! Here are our Sweet Little Bugs! Butterfly Reagan and Ladybug Taylor. They were SOOO SUPER cute and did SO well! Reagan ecspecially loved her Glitter face and Glitter hair so we'll be seeing glitter around for months to come! Trick or Treating went great! Reagan was SO polite with a Trick-or-Treat and Thank you at every door and once Taylor and I came home to pass out candy - Reagan kept telling Daddy and Grandpa "No, I can do it BY MYSELF". =) She is SO 3! And both girls were very good answering the door and Taylor had to say Hi and Bye to everyone. All the kiddos were so cute! It was a nice Evening and we were so glad to have Mana, Papa, Uncle Adam, Auntie Kim and Baby Sage there to join us!

Our Little Bugs

Our Butterfly

Our Lady Bug

Us and the Girls (Reagan picked out PINK Eyelashes for Mommy to wear this year)

Girls with Mana and Papa

Uncle Adam, Aunti Kim and SWEET Baby Sage (she was a trouper that night, it was busy and loud - next year she can join the fun)
Sweet Baby Sage

Mana and Taylor reading one of her Favorite Books. HUGE Eric Carle fans here!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

CUUUUUTE halloween bugs! :) Love the pictures & am glad I stopped by for an update! Hope you're doing well!