Monday, December 29, 2008

6 Month Belly Pictures

So I'm 6 Months pregnant now and obviously growing! Chayce is doing great and Mommy is as well. Not too many complaints, a SUPER itchy belly, some acid reflux, noisy digestion and just starting the aches and pains at night mostly from awkward sleep positions. I gained a tad more this month but not too bad considering it's the Holiday Season.
Me with Chayce at 6 Months 1 Week

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was spent with both families. We were out from 8am-7:30pm (juggling 2 locations over an hour apart). It made for a long day but it was worth it and we all had a great time!
The Girls with Cousin Melly
Grandpa Mo, Grandma Mo and Reagan

Papa and Our Papa's Girl

Heather's Cousin Emily, Reagan, and Heather's Aunt Susan

Christmas Morning

We had a beautiful Christmas Morning celebrating the Lord's Birth. We prayed, read the story of his birth and discussed it, we sang Happy Birthday and ate the cake Reagan and Mommy made for Jesus and of course opened the gifts Mommy and Daddy bought.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent at Heather's Aunt and Uncle's again this year. We headed over after a Beautiful Christmas Eve Church Service. It was so great to see everyone and celebrate.

My Poser, My Performer and Heather's Cousin's Little Girl Brooke. They had so much fun!

CHEESE and nothing but trouble in the background

Wild Lights at the Zoo

We had so much fun at Wild Lights this year. It's been a tradition for Jake and I since our first year dating which makes this our 11th year okay, 10th. We didn't make it when Reagan was a baby. It was kinda cold but no one seemed to mind.
Waiting to go in while Daddy buys the tickets (yes, we will buy online next year like we have in the past)
Cousin Melly and Reagan

Daddy and Taylor looking at the Rhino

The Whole Gang - Mana, Papa, Auntie Liz, Grandma Mo, Mommy, Taylor, Reagan, Daddy and Cousin Melly

Making Christmas Cookies

Mommy and Reagan had lots of fun making cookies for Christmas. Reagan makes awesome shortbread!!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

First Big Snow of 2008!!!

The Girls have been loving the little snow flakes Mother Nature has been teasing us with but TODAY was a Big day and we had a blast playing outside in it! They lasted longer than I thought - I was impressed. I'm sure we'll be back out tomorrow! Brrrrrrrr!

I'm determined to get this bike through the snow
Yay! I LOVE this stuff!
"Mom - Look at my Snow Angel"
Taylor decides on her own that she wants to try a Snow Angel as well!

Look at those Rosy Cheeks!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

5 Month (and 1 week) Belly Pics and. . . . .

Okay so - here they are. This is me at 5 months (and 1 week - that 1 week can make a difference) and I'm even still brave enough to wear Horizontal stripes! Go me! =) The Top 2 are my CURRENT pregnancy - taken at 21 weeks. The bottom 2 are my pregnancies with the girls. Please excuse the wonderful photography work by Jake. He gets annoyed at doing this every month but always smiles when he looks back - even when he immediatly looks back.

5 Months pregnant with Reagan(Ahhh, what is up with the make-up =) )
5 Months Pregnant with Taylor (Man, I look Thrilled)

I tried Prego this night

So, I typically use Classico but thought I'd try Prego for a change and. . . . .it was obviously a hit with Taylor. My FIRST ever experience with Spaghetti hair! I was in the restroom and I hear "OH NO, TAYLOR!!!" And this is what I came out to.

Gotta lick that Plate clean!
She seems so innocent
Uh Oh! LOL! he jumped in the bath before I even had a chance to change her. =)
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Our Little Swimmer

We have both girls in Swimm Lessons but Taylor is still at an age where she just likes to play - she's great at bubbles, going under, jumping in, she can float on her back by herself and is just overall VERY comfortable in the water. Taylor was at home sick this week so we didn't get any pics. Taylor is still so young - she hasn't moved up from Level one yet but give her time and she'll be there! Reagan is doing awesome! She has moved up two levels immediatly and her teacher this time even mentioned she was probably the best in the class despite her 1 year younger age difference. We are so proud of our girls and they love it! It's a good thing since we spend so much time at the lake in the Summer time. Next task - water skiing. =)

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Cats are still Alive and Kicken

We get asked all the time if our GIANT cats are still around and yes - they're alive and kicken. =) Both are doing well! Ed (the small one) has lost 4lbs in the past year which puts him at 13lbs but Tank is still living up to his name at 22lbs. They're getting old at 11 years but they're still awesome cats and great with the girls! Reagan can now carry Ed around the house - it's hilarious. Hope they're ready for at least one more!

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