Monday, December 1, 2008

5 Month (and 1 week) Belly Pics and. . . . .

Okay so - here they are. This is me at 5 months (and 1 week - that 1 week can make a difference) and I'm even still brave enough to wear Horizontal stripes! Go me! =) The Top 2 are my CURRENT pregnancy - taken at 21 weeks. The bottom 2 are my pregnancies with the girls. Please excuse the wonderful photography work by Jake. He gets annoyed at doing this every month but always smiles when he looks back - even when he immediatly looks back.

5 Months pregnant with Reagan(Ahhh, what is up with the make-up =) )
5 Months Pregnant with Taylor (Man, I look Thrilled)

1 comment:

Kym said...

Beautiful growing belly!! Thanks for sharing!