Saturday, February 28, 2009

Radio Belly Contest

Okay so my Sister told me about this contest and I just had to enter. They wanted th belly to be creative and with their names and Logo so this is what we came up with. Thanks so much to Jake's sister. She did a great job!!! It took us almost 5 hours though - interrupted but still - I was exhausted come picture time and I'm sure Liz was as well. Come back soon because my friend Ami is going to help me as well!
BTW - Here is a Link to my competition. I think voting is by Size, Creativity and Why you think you should win.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

32 Week Belly Shots

So, this is me with a 5lb 7oz baby in me and my kiddos are born at 7+ - I obviously (although I may look maxed) still have some growing to do. Everything is going pretty well and we've gotten over any hiccups that have recently occured. I'm growing ahead - she's growing ahead - pretty much par for the course with my pregnancies. I feel great but at night I'm flopping more and get more crampy during the day. They're looking at stripping my membranes arouns the 38 week mark (which is the 26th of March so that day or a couple days later). Stripping my membranes is EXTREMELY painful but better than drugs and inducing and it seems to work for me or at least it did with the girls so hopefully we'll have a March Baby otherwise she's due on 4/9 so we'll see!

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Baby Chayce Ultrasound 32 Weeks

Here are a couple pictures from our 32 Week Ultrasound with Chayce. She's doing awesome and growing like a weed. Keep in mind I have 8 more weeks until my Due Date and she's already a chunk! Ecspecially in the face - just all cheeks. She already has the Full and Beautiful Morris Lips and unless it's just squished - her nose looks more like Daddy's than any other of my kiddos in Ultrasound. You can't tell in these pictures but she already has lots of hair. She weighs approx 5lbs 7oz (again, I still have 8 weeks - eek) and she's growing 2 weeks ahead. She's doing awesome though and just getting chubbier before she's ready to come out. We're hoping she arrives a little early and we'll get to meet her at the end of March otherwise April 9th is when she's due.

This first picture is her face (slightly tilted back) with her hand on her head (upper right)

This is another face shot but only from the lips up. The eye closest to us kinda looks open!?

This picture is pretty crazy and if you can tell it kinda captures how she's laying and how she's running out of room. She's actually head down but I rotated this thinking it would be easier to view. The top is her head, then her arm (with her hand near her mouth - it looks like she's hugging something) and then some of her leg and big ol foot (3 inches) is at the bottom pointing up.

This is her all cheeks and lips pic. Another cute face shot.

This is just a pretty face profile shot (her nose looks kinda big - lol - but that's just from her moving)

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunglass shopping with Auntie Bree (Tee-Tee)

The woman at the Sunglass Kiosk probably hated me and the girls but we didn't break anything and had a lot of fun! They both look all "Fancy" - it was pretty funny! And Tee Tee did end up buying a pair so that was cool!

A few random pics

Someone is ready for a baby in this house - just not sure if it's Reagan or Ed!? =)
Yay for Breakfast! Yogurt and Cheerios!!! Mmmm!

Tough to tell here but like Reagan at this age Taylor brings MULTIPLE anmials to bed with her. Silly girls!

Reagan and her cats. She always begs me to take pics of her with them. She's such a sweetheart.

Reading time. Reagan with her CHEESE smile! Taylor not as thrilled.

Taylor's NEW DO! We still do lots of piggies but this adds variety. =)

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Taylor Outside Play

The weather has been so great so we've spent a lot of time outside. The other day I went and checked on Taylor to find her shoesless playing in the rocks. She's such a silly girl.

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