Thursday, February 19, 2009

32 Week Belly Shots

So, this is me with a 5lb 7oz baby in me and my kiddos are born at 7+ - I obviously (although I may look maxed) still have some growing to do. Everything is going pretty well and we've gotten over any hiccups that have recently occured. I'm growing ahead - she's growing ahead - pretty much par for the course with my pregnancies. I feel great but at night I'm flopping more and get more crampy during the day. They're looking at stripping my membranes arouns the 38 week mark (which is the 26th of March so that day or a couple days later). Stripping my membranes is EXTREMELY painful but better than drugs and inducing and it seems to work for me or at least it did with the girls so hopefully we'll have a March Baby otherwise she's due on 4/9 so we'll see!

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