Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reagan says the funniest things. . . .

So this post will be out of order because I'm behiind on picture posts but I HAD to post these so I wouldn't forget them. . . . . .

Reagan: I'm not going to get presents for Christmas because I keep picking my nose.
Me: (lol) Did Papa tell you that?
R: Yep, and he calls it digging for gold
Me: (lol) Geeze
R: Yup - That's your dad.
Me: (LOL again)

and a few days later she tells me - "I have a lot of Gold mommy". =)

After a night long battle over 2 stuffed puppies - I thought 1 was Reagan's and 1 was Taylors but. . . . . . . . . .

M: Reagan - tomorrow night you need to give Taylor one of those puppies to sleep with.
R: Mom - no, this one is mine, I will find Taylor's tomorrow
M: No Reagan, the brown one is Taylor's
R:, Nooo, I got this last year from Kenna.
M: Ohhhhhh, okay.
R: See, NOW you know.

She's just so funny and talking so grown up - she cracks us up - where does this come from? LOL.

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