Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rice Cereal - 2nd Try!

Okay so, we're getting closer but still not quite there - at least she's enjoying it this time. We'll be trying again after Christmas - better timing for Mommy then anyhow. BTW - her hair isn't red but it sure looks red in these. . . . . . . . .

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I've Gotta feed my Baby!

So Taylor gets Breast and Bottle Fed and as you can see from the pics beloow - so does "Yellow Baby". =)

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Zoo Lights!

So - Jake and I have been to Zoo Lights almost every year since we've been dating and we're continuing the tradition with the girls. This year we invited both sets of Grandparents and Auntie Liz and Cousin Melody. We all had a great time although it was freezing (I wasn't layered up enough - that's for sure)! Hopefully next year will be warmer!

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sitting Pretty!

Look who's almost sitting up! Taylor is 5.5 months in these pics and she's doing pretty well with the whole sitting up thing! She's got it with support so a couple more weeks and she'll have it down. And as you can see - she loves hanging with her sister! Oh and sorry these aren't the best pics - lighting was really odd that morning!

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Brrrrrrr! SNOW!!!

Okay - not the first snow of the season but we made it out on the second snow of the season! After a day of shopping and Reagan walking through snow Mommy wanted her to stay out of - we came home and released her into the freezing and soggy world of snow and she had a blast! It was perfect because the weather was georgeous! I am so hoping for another Blizzard this year! Reagan would love it! Daddy hung out with Reagan for awhile out back and even Mommy and Taylor made it out for a few!

Miss Taylor is 5 Months

Man! Time sure flies! Taylor is doing wonderful! She's sleeping through the night - she in bed typically by 7:30 or 8:00 and wakes MAYBE once around 4:00 or 5:00 - sometimes she'll even sleep straight through to 7am. She's such a sweet girl! She still loves her swing but is also enjoying her new exersaucer. She's a chatty baby and always squealing and laughing (ecspecially at her Big Sis). She's also my spitty baby but it keeps things interesting for guests. =) She's almost sitting up and almost rolling over (besides the occsional accidental roll over). She's weighing about 15lbs or so - slowly chunking up.

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Mmmmm! Rice Cereal!

Okay - not so much. =) Taylor is not ready for cereal. Mommy had little luck so. . . .

Daddy tried. . .don't let the smile fool you. . . . just being a camera ham. . . .

NOT a big fan yet. =) We'll try again in a couple weeks.

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Happy Thanksgiving

This year we spent Thanksgiving with Jake's family! It was wonderful seeing everyone and everything tasted great! The girls also had a good time and both were passed out before we left. Reagan even got some read time with her Auntie Liz and cousin Melody. She loved playing with Melody! They're all silly together (as you can see below). The second pic of Reagan cracks me up.

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Fall is here!

Our neighbors invited us over to play in the leaves and of course on the swingset since really - we don't have either. =) Well, we have one tree - he's lonely though. =) Anyhow - even little Taylor was victim to the fun! Obviously not enjoying it all that much but being a good sport for Mommy!

My little crazy LOVES to hang so she figured out that the chair would be a good launch pad to for her jump and hang - she eventually just started swinging off and landing on her booty on purpose. pretty daring for my typically cautious little girl.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Taylor's First Exersaucer experience!

I was SO excited to take this out because Reagan loved it and just like Big Sister - Taylor seems to be enjoying it as well!

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Losing the thumb war!

So, I guess we're losing the "Thumb War"! This is new for us because Reagan never did the thumb or pacifier thing. Taylor is almost 5 months though and really liking this whole thumb thing (I hear we should start thinking braces now?). I've tried to encourage a pacifier for the last several months and she'll take it here and there but as soon as I turn around - the pacifier has been replaced. I must admit though - she looks super cute and it soothes her when she's in a fussy mood. I'm already thinking how I get her to stop when she's older!? Oh goodness. . . .

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First time in Mommy's Make-up!

So, I'm considering myself lucky - it really could have been way worse! I got this free lipstick and had it sitting on the counter in my bathroom. A couple days later - Miss Reagan comes running downstairs "Pretty Mama, PRETTY" and Boy - she sure was! I wanted to be upset because she should not be getting into Mama's make-up but really my first reaction was to laugh and then take pictures. How could I not!? It was in her teeth and everything! It just cracked me up! Lesson learned by Mommy - though put it all away immediately! =)

This last picture is my favorite because she looks all stressed over the situation. Hee, hee!

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