Monday, November 12, 2007

First time in Mommy's Make-up!

So, I'm considering myself lucky - it really could have been way worse! I got this free lipstick and had it sitting on the counter in my bathroom. A couple days later - Miss Reagan comes running downstairs "Pretty Mama, PRETTY" and Boy - she sure was! I wanted to be upset because she should not be getting into Mama's make-up but really my first reaction was to laugh and then take pictures. How could I not!? It was in her teeth and everything! It just cracked me up! Lesson learned by Mommy - though put it all away immediately! =)

This last picture is my favorite because she looks all stressed over the situation. Hee, hee!

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zjoeynosmom said...

OMGoodness - that is priceless!! She did a great job;)


Miki said...

adorable!! LOL Good lesson for mommy. Watch the deodorant too, Joey loves to apply it to his face for some darn reason! LOL He likes to put carmex on his face too!