Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy Halloween

Right before Trick or Treating (Taylor and Mommy only hit a couple houses and didn't collect candy but Reagan went with Grandpa and Daddy and got lots of candy while Mommy and Taylor stayed home with Grandma passing out candy! It was a chilly night but we all got bundled up and stayed warm! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

The next few pics are after Our Halloween Party with our Playgroup! It was BUSY but we had fun! Amazingly - Taylor even napped!

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FourDogNight said...

Your blog is awesome, great job! I would never be able to accomplish this much during the "milk brain" stage...(1st 6 mos of new babe..) You also are a great photographer.. and the girls looks just beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing and hope all you Morris' are doing well. Love the Riccs

Unknown said...

Your blog is awsome! I cannot believe how big the girls are. Both are so beautiful....Jake better be prepared to meet lots of boyfriends ;) We can't wait to see you guys after Thanksgiving!!!