Thursday, November 1, 2007

June-September 2007

We hope everyone had a fun summer! Ours was a blast just very busy! Bteween Reagan turning 2, the birth of Taylor, the lake, Weddings, everything just made our Summer fly by! I can't believe it's Fall! Here are some pics from our Summer - keep in mind everything is posted from most recent to the beginning of the Summer.
We had 3 Weddings this Summer. All were post Taylor and Jake was in 2 of the 3 - here are some pics from 2 of them!
Jake was in his friend Will's Wedding in Georgetown so we kinda made a weekend of it! The Wedding was wonderful and it was georgeous up there! Here are some pics! Gotta love the Kilt!

My cousin Eric married his High School Sweetheart Jamie on September 1st. We all had a blast! Reagan is all about dancing with the Princess!

What is a Summer in our Family without the lake??? We had a few different friends up this year which always makes it fun. Below is a picture of my Reagan with my cousins kiddos.

Reagan with Aunti Bree and Uncle Toby

Flag girl - Watching Daddy!

Reagan gets her first haircut! Just thought we'd clean things up a bit! We took 2 inches off and you can barely tell! I don't know where my girls get all this long hair from. Must be their Aunties!


Reagan's eyes are kinda close here but here's the AFTER pic. It's kinda tough to tell though.

Miss Taylor turns 2 Months! She did pretty well with her first set of shots! She was kinda bummed about the sore legs since she loves to kick but all in all - she did great! She weighed 10lbs even (25%) and I don't remember her legnth but it was 75th Percentile. So she's my skinny babe but still has some sweet baby rolls! She's been smiling for a little over a month (smiled around 3w) and is a sweet happy girl!

4th of July! This 4th of July was pretty low key with the girls. I don't think any of us even stayed awake to see the fireworks but we had a great time doing barbeque with a few different neighborhood families. Most of these pics are of Reagan and Emma.

Emma did Reagan's hair so pretty!
Welcome Miss Taylor Joyce! June 21st at 8:13am. Coming into the world at 7lbs 11oz (the nurses say 7 11 is lucky) and 20.25 inches! We are all SO excited to have Baby Taylor in our lives and are enjoying our new little family!

Reagan being Silly and Dressing up! Just enjoying her last few weeks with Mommy before Taylor arrives!

Happy 2nd Birthday to Reagan's friend Rhegan! She turned 2 in May but celebrated the week after we did!

June 1, 2007 - Reagan turns 2!!! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!
Mommy, Daddy and Reagan

Aunt Kim, Uncle Adam, Reagan and Auntie Bree (Ti Ti)

The Birthday Girl

Reagan with her Grandparents

She thought everyone sang so well! Yay!

With her Buddy Gracie

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