Monday, November 12, 2007

Losing the thumb war!

So, I guess we're losing the "Thumb War"! This is new for us because Reagan never did the thumb or pacifier thing. Taylor is almost 5 months though and really liking this whole thumb thing (I hear we should start thinking braces now?). I've tried to encourage a pacifier for the last several months and she'll take it here and there but as soon as I turn around - the pacifier has been replaced. I must admit though - she looks super cute and it soothes her when she's in a fussy mood. I'm already thinking how I get her to stop when she's older!? Oh goodness. . . .

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zjoeynosmom said...

Pictures of babies sucking their thumbs are absolutely precious. Hopefully she doesn't stay too attached for too long!!

Miki said...

I hear you on the planning to break the habit. I've been planning on when and how to break the paci habit Joshy has LOL

Taylor looks absolutely adorable though :) Too cute to break it too soon! LOL

Miki and the boys