Sunday, February 3, 2008

A big month for Taylor!!

This was such a big month for our little babe (who just turned 7 months)! She has said her first word. . . .Mama! I am so excited! She's kinda figuring out the association of me with the word as well. It's pretty cute! Then at beginning of 6 months - she started sitting up unassisted pretty well. She's got it down now and most of her falls are intentional as she reaches for a toy. She's pretty much got the going from sitting to tummy thing down as well ecspecially because. . . . .

She's rolling! I don't think this is a rolling pic but you know what a roll looks like. She started rolling back to front right at 6 months (like a few days after Christmas I think) and then a couple weeks later - she got the whole belly to back roll. Now she's champ and thinks it's a game. It's hilarious to watch! But now that she's on the move - we'd better watch out because. . . . . .

Okay no - she's not crawling but she is creeping a bit (This is her stealing Reagan's Balloon - you can tell she thinks that she's sneaky) so before we know it I'm sure! We'll have a crawler. Reagan was content with rolling for a couple months before she took the crawling plunge so we'll see what Baby sis has in mind.

Problems with Food is obviously a thing of the past. She's doing so well and has ditched the rice for oatmeal. She's also tried Sweet Potatoes and Peas and loves those peas! Next is carrots, green beans and then maybe squash. She's had a taste of avacado and loved that as well.

AND. . . . . .we have a tooth!!! After a couple weeks of rough sleeping (poor thing - Mommy and daddy thought she was just off a bit from the hectic Holidays) this little guy popped up. At first he came alone but Mommy thinks his next door buddy is on the way soon! Such a surprise though! Reagan didn't get her first tooth until 10 months so by that age we were checking so frequently - we were expecting it but 6 (almost) 7 months is early for al of us. Isn't it cute! It's not totally in yet so look closely on the bottom.


Unknown said...

Aww...Taylor is so adorable! I love her little rolls! She reminds me of my Madison. They grow up so fast!

Liz Morris said...

Oh my sweet niece Taylor is so beautiful! I love these pictures Heather. What a joy for the girls to be so close already. Puts a smile on my face : )

Unknown said...

They are so cute! Taylor has some rolls now...gets them from her daddy ;) I wish we could have seen you and the girls when we were in town. But it was good to see Jake. Maybe next time all of us can get together. I'm counting on you guys coming to the lake July/Aug!