Sunday, March 9, 2008

THE Bug!!!

Soooo, daddy, Reagan and Taylor all got SUPER sick in the month of Feb! Jake had the Flu and Pnemonia, Reagan had the Flu and an ear infection and Taylor hung on and stayed healthy with Mommy but it eventually got to her as well! It was SUCH a bummer! We ended up in the ER for Croup - she also had RSV, a double ear infection and a cold in her eye (kinda like pink eye). First 10 day round of antibiotics didn't work so weeks later we're trying new antibiotics and new eye drops for Taylor. Reagan and Daddy are well now and by a miracle of God - Mommy is still healthy!!! Below are a couple "sick" pics. I have some SUPER bad ones of Taylor but decided just to post these. I hope everyone reading this is staying healthy but it seems to be getting everyone!!!! Evil Bug!!!!!
I can barely breath Mama!

Trying to keep my spirits up

Reagan is quite the Drama Queen because she was already feeling better by this point but she put on a great act for the camera.

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