Friday, March 14, 2008

"It's not green!!!"

So, our poor Mitsubishi had an early dismissal from The Morris Home. The cool black rims and everything - it's all gone! I can tell you one thing though - we LOVED this truck! It was a great truck and we never had any problems with it. We'll miss it!
And now the story. . . . .I had Jury Duty that morning and the guy took the plea bargin so we all went home. Jake was watching the girls and when I got home we thought it would be a nice day to get out and look at trucks to compare with Minivans (little did I know we'd be coming home with a new SUV that day but when Jake started calling insurance and our bank I knew something may be in the works). Both girls went car shopping with us that day (we've been looking into this for quite awhile though) and they were pooped by the time we made a decision (we were using two lots against eachother and got a great deal) but they had fun. We brought them home and while Mana and Papa watched them (Thank you again) - (can I tell you how blessed we are to have grandparents so close - both sets at that) - we went back and bought our new ride. . . . . . .

We decided to upsize! We bought a 2004 Dodge Durango Hemi with under 40K on it (yes and a transferable warranty). When we arrived home early that evening - Reagan came out running - she was SUPER excited!!! It was THE CUTEST thing ever and a sweet image I hope to never forget. She squatted down in glee and clapped a couple times and announced "It's not Green"!!! She then ran over to look inside and yelled "And it's clean"!!! LOL! Not when she starts riding in it. =) She jumped right in - sat in the back seat and tried getting buckled. Jake could barely get her out. She calls this truck "Brown". =)

Brown is in MINT condition! The lady before us didn't have kiddos from the sounds of it. =) We LOOOOVE this truck! It's got the 3rd row option and rides like a Cadillac - it's awesome! Now our goal after 3 tickets in about 6 weeks last year is to try to stay ticket free which is nearly impossible in Firestone ecspecially with a Hemi but the Radar Detector I got for Mother's Day last year has been a great help! But now even Jake has to to watch his speed. It's really easy to go fast! The Hemi will be great for towing a trailer for the lake and even my Dad's boat if he needs us to. We've already had 4 adults and the two girls in it and it sounds like everyone was fairly comfortable. So as much as we had planned for a minivan - we just didn't do it. I think we made the right choice though!!

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