Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A day at the park

The weather has been so georgeous lately, we've been at the park so much! It's great having a park just a block away! We are so ready for the warm weather.

Taylor's first ride on the swings - she loved it!


My little helper

Reagan met a couple boys at the park (even though we went with our neighbor and her son). They were so sweet and although she's barely getting the whole bike thing down, they invited her to Race with them. They eventually gave up on her because they thought she was too slow. =( She did so well though and they were so cute for including her. I was so proud of her.

Hmmmm, what are those boys up to???

this is them inviting her and explaining the rules. He told her "Since you can't turn (well) you're in the middle". . . . . .

She didn't seem to mind. Here she's turning around to get ready for the race. Needless to say she ate their dust. It was all so cute though.

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