Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Easter was Wonderful this year. Service was beautiful and the time with family and home and away was great. Every year we go to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Elizabeth. They have a farm with some animals so it's fun for the girls. Here's a couple pics.

Taylor and her new Bunny that she LOVES!

This is Reagan post hair style. It's a long drive to Elizabeth so all bets are off when it comes to hair and shoes. Reagan had to wear her Christmas shoes because Mommy bought her sandals and there was snow on the ground Easter morning. =(


Daddy and Taylor (isn't it beautiful up there?)

Reagan feeding the horse (this horse was so great because there were several of us around)

Reagan putting an egg in her bag during the hunt and still looking for more

Taylor and Aunti Kim

Our Sweethearts

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