Friday, March 14, 2008

Bye Bye Rody. . . . . .

So, this toy - Rody (pictured below with Taylor) was a MUST HAVE for Reagan's 2nd Birthday and after many falls and crashes from Reagan and her friends - we put it away. It made it's way back out about a month ago and again - many bumps bruises and crashes but against Daddy's judgement, Mommy decided to keep it out and just make sure Reagan played near the center of the room. Well - we had Reagan's friend Gracie and her parents Julie and Andy over and Reagan was bouncing around and bounced right off catching a corner of our wall. It was about 7:00pm so we left Taylor with Julie and Andy (Mana and Pap were on their way to watch Taylor) and we had to go to the ER. . . . .

these stitches were the result (not a great pic but you can see them). She is SUCH a Trouper though! I think the scariest part was just being held against her will to get the stitches in. I think she'll do fine getting them out (daddy may just do it or Mommy feels more comfortable with Med Student Uncle Toby so we'll see). She tells everyone her story and tells Mommy that her Boo-Boo is all better! She even lets Mommy put piggies in her hair and the next day I was even allowed to brush it! She was SO brave and tough! We are super proud of her! Kids bounce back so quickly it's amazing. Kinda crazy timing though - it was a little over a year ago that we were in the ER for a broken leg! Thank goodness this wasn't that again!

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