Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nemo on Ice

So let me start with a "THANKS PAPA"!!! My dad bought us girls (My Mom, my Sis, Me, Reagan and Taylor was Free) tickets to Nemo on Ice (both him and Jake worked) and can I just say WOW! I know, I'm a geek but I was just amazed by it all and so was my sweet little girl! The look on her face as she walked up the entry stairs was SO, SO, SOOO priceless and sweet! It seriously made me cry! Just the innocence and delight - it was adorable. I cried happy tears a few times that day. We all had so much fun! Reagan has been talking about it for days! This was the first of anything like this she's done. Both girls did great! The only bummer was that both of themwoke up with yucky colds that morning and we had a long day planned with an Easter Egg hunt after Nemo (I was thinking about skipping but you'll see in another post that Reagan wouldn't let us miss that one).

Here is Reagan with her overpriced Nemo light that Mana bought her

This pic is hilarious - my sis and I were laughing so hard - we just had to take it. So Reagan is pointing out an "I need" while Mana in the background is getting cash from the ATM. HILARIOUS! And can you say spoiled a bit!? =)

Anything with the girls can be an event - I decided to carry Taylor in her front facing carrier and I haven't used it in awhile. She barely fit - it took two of us to get her clipped in. Probably the last time she'll be in that! This is us.

Mommy and her girls. Reagan is obviously captivated by the pre show blabbing.

Taylor and TeeTee Bree

Marlon and Dori (Reagan loves Dori)

Marlon and Crush

Mickey, Minnie and the Nemo Gang saying Good Bye. Reagan was waving the ENTIRE show it was so cute!

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