Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Reagan's Birthday Party "I'm 3"!

Thank you so much to everyone that helped make this day a special one! Reagan had a blast and still talks about it 2 weeks later. We are so grateful for al the wonderful people in our lives. Having all of her family and friends at her party was so Special to her! Thank you again! Here are a few pics of that crazy, fun day! Amazingly she never napped that day!
Our Beautiful Birthday Princess!

Reagan and some of her girlfriends that were there (sorry we're missing a few of you).

Blowing out her candle

Reagan, Mommy and Daddy (Say threeee)

Opening Gifts. This pic is kinda funny because a Tug-Of-War is starting with the Tutu.

Reagan and her friends opening her gifts. "Thank you everybody!"

And what's a party without Sissy? This was Mommy and Sissy at the end of the party. Mommy was hot and pooped! (Grateful for the beautiful weather though)

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