Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wow! She's 3!!!

Our 3 year old Baby Girl!!!
Wow! I can't believe we have a 3 year old! The last 3 years have just flown by but, they've been great and Reagan is such an incredible blessing - she is more than we could ever imagine! With Daddy's Charm and Mommy's heart she's great at winning people over. Not to mention she's pretty persistent (after 20 times of "Let's Play a game" you've gotta give in) =). She's so bright having more interest in numbers than letters (An Engineer like Daddy maybe!?) but loves to read to sissy or be read to. She's a cautious thinker and rarely jumps into anything too quickly. But shy she is not with many stories for us to tell her future Husband. =) She's our tough and brave one making it through a cast, stitches, boxes of band-aids and kissed Boo-Boos all in only 3 years. Her hugs can melt away ANY stress and her giggles are contagious. Her nurturing nature has earned her the nickname "The Lover" in a couple circles and it is sticking at home as well. Her excitement over people and things she loves can excite anyone - even if you aren't a fan of Her friends, Tomatoes, Ice Cream, Little Einsteins, Princesses, Getting your nails painted, The Lake, Swim Lessons, The Mall, Books, Her Cariboo Game or Daddy. She's a Wonderful Daughter and Sister and we look forward to watching her grow into even more. . . . . . .
Below are a few pics from the last year - most recent are first

May 2008

April 2008

March 2008
February 2008

January 2008

December 2007

November 2007October 2007September 2007August 2007
July 2007June 2007

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