Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Yep! She's already 6 months!

Our beautiful little Baby Cakes is 6 months! She is quite the charmer! Always smiling for everyone! Making us all so happy. She is so much fun! Well unless she's tired or hungry then you'd better just get out of her way until she gets what she wants! =) She did great at her 6 month appointment getting 4 shots! She kicked the Doc the entire time (just being silly - not kicking him away) Doc thinks she'll be an active one once she gets cruisin (Mom is going to be BUSY). She weighs 16lbs 14oz and is 26.25 inches - she's 75th percentile for height, weight and head. Pretty well proportioned. Reagan was 1oz heavier and .25 inches taller at 6 months but her head was off the charts. It seems our girls hit some serious growth spurts come the 6 month mark.

Taylor is doing great - she's the sweetest little thing ever and has a blast with her sister. She's pretty much sitting up, BEYOND close to rolling over (back to tummy) and can go from sitting position to belly (kinda on accident but tries to support herself on her hands and knee (only one) - I don't see crawling in the too near future though). We introduced sign language earlier this time (5m instead of 10m) and do Mommy's surprise - we've got milk down. I know, I know, you think I'm crazy but for awhile I did too. Everytime it's close to bottle time she does the sign and when she gets it and is drinking it - she does the sign. The other day she was in her exerciser and Reagan was on the floor next to her begging for juice and she reached up towards me (I was coming downstairs) and did the sign for milk. It was the cutest thing! So - time to teach eat (now that she is eating), more, please and a couple others.

No teeth yet and really no signs either. Reagan didn't get teeth until 10 months and got 8 by her first birthday. She did great with teething and hopefully Taylor will as well.
Sleeping is going well again! THANK GOODNESS!!! She was great for awhile 2 45 min naps - not long I know but she was our night sleeper. Sleeping 13 hours a night with 1 wake up around 4:00 or 5:00. But the hussle and bussle of the Holidays then shots and a growth spurt got her all out of whack waking up to 6 times a night for over a week. All is well now though and we're back on schedule with double the nap time. So yay Taylor!

Our Princess in training. . . . . .

Rice Cereal take 3 - Grandma has skill. . . . .

So. . .take 3 on rice cereal. Dec 30th 2007 - Taylor is determined to get this down before the year end! Mommy got a little bit in her but it was the skill of Grandma Mo that got things rolling! Yay!!! So she's officially eating cereal - still not a huge fan but doing well. She takes a little less than a tablespoon every night. She's my modest eater!

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Christmas with The Morris Family

Christmas Day was with Jake's family in the morning at his Grandma's. They got about 10+ inchs of snow there that day! It was crazy but georgeous! We had a lot of fun and it was so great to have family in from Iowa - hopefully we'll see more of them in the years to come! Anyhow - again, I am lacking with how many pics I took at later that day we went to my Aunts and I only got pics of the girls with my grandparents. Holidays are tough for pics - I tell ya what!
The girls with cousin Mel in their cute dresses Great Grandma Lois bought them

Grandma and Grandpa Mo with Uncle Ron in the background

Jake and his sister

Great Grandparents

So my goal was to get pictures of the girls with all of their Great Grandparents and. . . .I FAILED! Urgh! We went to Jake's Grandma's house Christmas morning and had a wonderful time but I tell ya - I don't think that lady sat down for a second and I missed getting a picture of her with the girls. I'm SO bummed and HAVE to make it a point next time we get together!
I have to laugh at my Grandparents though - I don't know what's tougher. . . getting the girls to look and smile or getting the Great Grandparents to look and smile or in Great Grandma Crisman's case - look with her eyes open. =) I think we got a couple good pics though!

Christmas Eve Service

We had a wonderful Candle Light Christmas Eve service at church. The message was wonderful and the worship was beautiful! Below are pictures of Our new Pastor reading to the kids. this is the first church thing that Reagan has had the opportunity to be part of - it was cute to see her run up there with excitement! She's sucha big girl now! It's too cute.

Reagan and her little friend Ellie seem more interested in the others around them than the Pastor reading. =)

Reagan and her friend Ellie

Christmas Eve Posed

Here are the girls in their Chrismas Eve dresses. These are the ones I bought this year. So here are some posed shots.
Our Sweet Reagan

Baby Cakes Taylor and Princess Reagan

Girls being silly

Girls being serious (this one cracks me up)

Christmas Eve at Mana's and Papa's

Our Christmas was BUSY! We had a wonderful time though and spent some time on Christmas morning - just the four of us - reflecting on Christ's birth and blessings. Reagan is still singing Happy Birthday Jesus!
Side note: (Please excuse the poor quality of my pics on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day)
These are from Heather's parents house - we had a great time but I am lacking in pics so here's a couple I did take.
Taylor's first experience with presents - seems like she's enjoying herself!

Reagan with TeeTee

She's already 2 and 1/2!!!

Yep! This chunky little 3 month old is now the Big Sister!
She is such a sweetheart and has so much love for everyone around her! She's the apple of our eye and adored by her baby sis! Reagan is getting so big and she's so smart - she's amazing us everyday! She is SO independant (as a 2 year always is) and does EVERYTHING by herself. She even goes potty in the publics stalls with Mommy right outside. She pretty much dresses herself (shirts are kinda tough at times).She knows her letters and numbers to about 15 (most by sight as well). She's speaking so much more clearly. She loves gymnastics and dressing up, she's quite the little princess with Taylor at her heels. She's always signing and dancing and still loves her books. When Mommy lets her - anything crafty or messy is always a hitr but the girly girl thinks mixing chocolate chips into cookie dough is "nasty". Speaking of nasty our big girl (still proving she's little) stuck her finger quickly into a public toilet and licked it. Mom was beside herself with disgust but she knows better now and hey - a story for the boyfriends right!? She's also a huge fan of eating snow - again "NASTY" =).

Here she is trying to hug the cats - she has her hands pretty full! =) LOL! These poor cats - they won't admit it but we know they love it!

And these last two pics are of her posing (this is her new thing) - I think she looks like such a big girl in these!