Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Yep! She's already 6 months!

Our beautiful little Baby Cakes is 6 months! She is quite the charmer! Always smiling for everyone! Making us all so happy. She is so much fun! Well unless she's tired or hungry then you'd better just get out of her way until she gets what she wants! =) She did great at her 6 month appointment getting 4 shots! She kicked the Doc the entire time (just being silly - not kicking him away) Doc thinks she'll be an active one once she gets cruisin (Mom is going to be BUSY). She weighs 16lbs 14oz and is 26.25 inches - she's 75th percentile for height, weight and head. Pretty well proportioned. Reagan was 1oz heavier and .25 inches taller at 6 months but her head was off the charts. It seems our girls hit some serious growth spurts come the 6 month mark.

Taylor is doing great - she's the sweetest little thing ever and has a blast with her sister. She's pretty much sitting up, BEYOND close to rolling over (back to tummy) and can go from sitting position to belly (kinda on accident but tries to support herself on her hands and knee (only one) - I don't see crawling in the too near future though). We introduced sign language earlier this time (5m instead of 10m) and do Mommy's surprise - we've got milk down. I know, I know, you think I'm crazy but for awhile I did too. Everytime it's close to bottle time she does the sign and when she gets it and is drinking it - she does the sign. The other day she was in her exerciser and Reagan was on the floor next to her begging for juice and she reached up towards me (I was coming downstairs) and did the sign for milk. It was the cutest thing! So - time to teach eat (now that she is eating), more, please and a couple others.

No teeth yet and really no signs either. Reagan didn't get teeth until 10 months and got 8 by her first birthday. She did great with teething and hopefully Taylor will as well.
Sleeping is going well again! THANK GOODNESS!!! She was great for awhile 2 45 min naps - not long I know but she was our night sleeper. Sleeping 13 hours a night with 1 wake up around 4:00 or 5:00. But the hussle and bussle of the Holidays then shots and a growth spurt got her all out of whack waking up to 6 times a night for over a week. All is well now though and we're back on schedule with double the nap time. So yay Taylor!

Our Princess in training. . . . . .

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I have 3 children and was positive i wanted no more! But after seeing your little princess its hard not to think about it just a little bit lol.