Tuesday, January 8, 2008

She's already 2 and 1/2!!!

Yep! This chunky little 3 month old is now the Big Sister!
She is such a sweetheart and has so much love for everyone around her! She's the apple of our eye and adored by her baby sis! Reagan is getting so big and she's so smart - she's amazing us everyday! She is SO independant (as a 2 year always is) and does EVERYTHING by herself. She even goes potty in the publics stalls with Mommy right outside. She pretty much dresses herself (shirts are kinda tough at times).She knows her letters and numbers to about 15 (most by sight as well). She's speaking so much more clearly. She loves gymnastics and dressing up, she's quite the little princess with Taylor at her heels. She's always signing and dancing and still loves her books. When Mommy lets her - anything crafty or messy is always a hitr but the girly girl thinks mixing chocolate chips into cookie dough is "nasty". Speaking of nasty our big girl (still proving she's little) stuck her finger quickly into a public toilet and licked it. Mom was beside herself with disgust but she knows better now and hey - a story for the boyfriends right!? She's also a huge fan of eating snow - again "NASTY" =).

Here she is trying to hug the cats - she has her hands pretty full! =) LOL! These poor cats - they won't admit it but we know they love it!

And these last two pics are of her posing (this is her new thing) - I think she looks like such a big girl in these!

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