Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bolder Boulder

The Bolder Boulder - A New Morris Memorial Day Tradition.
So Jake ran his first Bolder Boulder 10K this year and he did great! I have also ran it in the past and we plan on making it a tradition that every year at least one of us runs it (even Reagan wants to start). His goal was under an hour but he was taken by the hill at the end of the final mile (to those who have ran this - I know you feel his pain). He came in at an 1:01:29. The girls and I were in the stadium cheering him on! We were all so proud of him! He was also excited to see us in the stands. He's already gearing up for next year! I'm thinking I might be pregnant next May and so I'm looking forward to the Big 2010 Race!
Daddy with his Biggest Fans

Yay Daddy!

Lake Kick Off!

Every Memorial Day Weekend we Kick Off the first weekend of Summer and Jake's Birthday at the lake. This was Taylor's First Year on the boat and just like Reagan - she LOVED it! And did so well! She was smiling the entire time! Reagan loves having her sissy with her and REALLY loves her new vest!
NOTE TO ALL: You are ALL invited to the lake! Just give us a call to see if we're heading up and you're more than welcome to join us! We have a blast! And no worries - you don't have to ski, wake board or even go in the water. Just relaxing outside or in the RV is nice in itself!
Just Hanging on "Papa's Boat"!
I love this picture! It's SO Reagan (ecspecially on the boat) and she's so happy and cute - I just love it! And having Papa in the background mirror is kinda cute as well.

Weee! My sister is leaning out of the boat snapping this shot. Good job Bree! It turned out very sweet!

First Run of the season. In Reagan's words "Go Daddy Go!!!"

Our Drivers! (Reagan and Papa)

Chillin with the Great Grandparents
Great Grandma Helen Crisman

Great Grandpa Ray Jaramillo

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reagan at the park

Some days Reagan is pretty physical at the park (typically when other kiddos are around) she's running, climbing and throwing her cautious nature out the door (to an extent at least) and other days she's like this - more of the imagination and reflective play. . . . . . . .

This is her in her "Ice Cream stand"

"What kind of Ice Cream do you want?"
Reagan being silly and having fun

Just chillin

She was really into the trees and leaves this day - not sure why but it was cute.

Taylor at the Park

We have this SUPER awesome park just blocks away from our house and we're there all the time so start getting used to these "Park Pics". =) Here's my sweet baby she's my little fireball just wanting to try more and more - she's turning into such a big girl!

"hey, look at me" (thinking my thighs are cuter than your thighs)

"Oooo, I can do this - just watch me"

"Hmmm, maybe not - it looks pretty high"

"What the heck - I'm determined"

Our Little Princesses

As the girls get older they play together so much more and I love it! It's great for all of us and the love that they have for eachother is just so heart warming and wonderful to watch. They are so much fun! This is them in their new Princess Castle we picked up at a Garage Sale for $5! Can't beat that and it's HUGE! Like the size of a small sofa! It's great though!

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We did not buy a Minivan

Okay so I've been cruisin a White Dodge Caravan lately and by the way, Reagan loves it because it's white and not brown. =) So I'm sure a few of you are thinking "Wow - the Durago is already in the shop"!? Yep, but it's the Body Shop. No, I didn't wreck (surprise) but it was my fault (kinda). During one of the most recent wind storms, I opened the door and was yanked out by the wind. This snaped a plate behind my hinges and broke the door. I was SUPER bummed but now everyone knows where our money from the IRS is going. . . .SUCH a bummer!

The Perfect Hard Boiled Egg

So, after some research and practice - I have it down - THE PERFECT HARD BOILED EGG! We can peel it in only 2 pieces even (see below). We eat a lot of eggs in our house and this new way of cooking has made ife easier because a tough to peel egg is just irritating. So anyhow - get the water boiling - once it's at a rolling boil, slowly add the eggs with a spoon (to avoid cracking) one at a time and the boil for 13 minutes. When finished, rinse under cold water until they're cool and refridgerate immediately - this will keep the yolk yellow instead of green. try it and let me know if it works for you!

Friday, May 2, 2008

My Hair is Broke

Reagan's hair desperatly needed cut! After 2 minutes at the park she'd be beat red from being so hot! She'd wake up a tangeled mess (see below), her ends were just getting dry and thin. So, Mommy did it - we got it chopped. About 6-7 inches worth. I explained to her that her ends were all broke and it needed cut and then after seeing the pony tail she decided "My hair is broke". BUT, she LOVES the new do! She walked around the Mall yesterday with so much sass and was just chatting it up with everyone. It was so cute! And Mommy lived through it as well! Although after the initial cut I had some second thoughts. It's a great length though - ecspecially for the warm weather!
The Victim
No more Crazy Mornings for awhile (this was the morning of the cut). She's a busy sleeper!


After (this was the next day so I don't really have it all blown out like the hair dresser did.

At first I thought it made hr look younger but after this picture I think she looks older.

Such a big girl!

My Favorite People

These are just a couple pics that we've taken randomly.

This first one is so perfect and totally shows the girls personalities. Taylor is my silly girl and Reagan is my giggler.

Gotta love the 3 year old "CHEESE" smile! =)

This is whatI see daily so I had to catch it! Taylor will be turning around in a couple months. Crazy!

First Bounce Party

So the girls went to their First ever Bouncy Castle Party and had a lot of fun! Their friend Derek turned 7. Happy Birthday Derek! Reagan was a little nervous at first but now she won't stop asking to go back!

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Learning My ABC's

I thought this was pretty cute and just had to share. Reagan sings her ABC's as they play with this and Little Taylor imitates. Pretty well at that!

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