Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Perfect Hard Boiled Egg

So, after some research and practice - I have it down - THE PERFECT HARD BOILED EGG! We can peel it in only 2 pieces even (see below). We eat a lot of eggs in our house and this new way of cooking has made ife easier because a tough to peel egg is just irritating. So anyhow - get the water boiling - once it's at a rolling boil, slowly add the eggs with a spoon (to avoid cracking) one at a time and the boil for 13 minutes. When finished, rinse under cold water until they're cool and refridgerate immediately - this will keep the yolk yellow instead of green. try it and let me know if it works for you!

1 comment:

griffithcrew said...

I tried it! It works great!!!! Thank you for the tip Heather. 8-)