Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lake Kick Off!

Every Memorial Day Weekend we Kick Off the first weekend of Summer and Jake's Birthday at the lake. This was Taylor's First Year on the boat and just like Reagan - she LOVED it! And did so well! She was smiling the entire time! Reagan loves having her sissy with her and REALLY loves her new vest!
NOTE TO ALL: You are ALL invited to the lake! Just give us a call to see if we're heading up and you're more than welcome to join us! We have a blast! And no worries - you don't have to ski, wake board or even go in the water. Just relaxing outside or in the RV is nice in itself!
Just Hanging on "Papa's Boat"!
I love this picture! It's SO Reagan (ecspecially on the boat) and she's so happy and cute - I just love it! And having Papa in the background mirror is kinda cute as well.

Weee! My sister is leaning out of the boat snapping this shot. Good job Bree! It turned out very sweet!

First Run of the season. In Reagan's words "Go Daddy Go!!!"

Our Drivers! (Reagan and Papa)

Chillin with the Great Grandparents
Great Grandma Helen Crisman

Great Grandpa Ray Jaramillo

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