Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2 For 2 in the Cast Department

Alright so I guess we have a new family tradition in our house and I'd honestly be okay if it ended here. =) I'm sure most of your remember me falling down the stairs with Reagan when she was 18m old and breaking her leg (see pic below). 4 Weeks in a Full Leg, Hot Pink cast. Well, we're here again but this time it wasn't my fault! We were at a friends house for a BBQ and she was trying to be all fancy standing sideways on a bottom stair - she lost her balance, went to catch herself and that's when it happened. I felt so bad because at first we thought she was just over-reacting but when we got home she wouldn't put weight on her right leg. Jake squeezed, pushed, rotated and everything seemed fine so we assumed it was a sprain. We however decided to bring her to Urgent Care the following day (Sunday) and they took X-Rays and said the same - just a sprain. Well Monday Morning I got a call and she has a hairline fracture on her Tibia (front bone) near the ankle. URGH! So a two hour appointment later at barely 14 Months and only 2 weeks after learning how to walk the Hot Pink cast is back! She's adjusting pretty well just a a bit frustrated here and then but been there done that and we know she 'll be better in no time!

Sissy posing with Taylor

Reagan in her cast at 18/19m

Hmmm, Check this Picture Out

Created by Mommy and Colored by Reagan

Anything look Different!? Not seeing it yet!? Look close at Mommy. Closer, Closer, Ahhhh there it is!!! YES! Mommy is pregnant yet again! Pregnancy Number 5 is going very smoothly and this sweet Baby is due on April 9th (no more June Babies here). At first Doc thought she saw two but it's confirmed that only one healthy pea is growing well with heartrate of 140bpm at our second Ultrasound. So, get ready for Belly shots and Ultrasound pics and before we know it - our sweet bundle will be here!

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School!

Here is Reagan on her first day of school. She did so great adn we are so proud of her! She cried for a second when i left and when I came back she cried again and gave me HUGE hugs because she missed us. And we so missed her too! She's my little chatter though, They played Ring Around the Rosie, again and again. They pretended to be a train, again and again. She painted with Watercolors. She ate her snack and the boy next to her had cheese. Ms. Montontae read stories to them. She play with legos. So these first few "play and adjust days" seem to be going great! So we're excited and think she'll do just fine! She's already loving it! Oh and today as day 3 - I got a hug, a kiss and I love you Mommy and she was off! Oh, already so grown up!
Our "Big Girl"

Reagan, Mommy and the Sun =)

Pledge of Allegience (check out the upside down name tag)

Sitting Oh so Lady Like. =) (We're working on this - thank heavens for Bloomers)

Playing in The Fountains!

We've been going to the new Mall (The Orchard) with my friend Brenda and her 3 Boys (her oldest could only make it one though) and they are all having so much fun playing in the Fountains. We keep telling ourselves that we should have started this earlier! We always have next year I suppose! Fun stuff though!

Woo Hoo!


I think the babies did the best as far as staying in until Taylor got drilled in the face.

Just watching all the chaos

Alex and Reagan (this wasn't even part of the fountains but they played in it anyhow)

Taylor trying to irritate Brycen by taking the toy. LOL! His scream is hilarious though!

Not always fun. "BIG, BIG, BIIIIG Boo Boo" =) She puts on quite the show though. =)
This is the best pic I could get of the whole gang
(Brycen, Taylor, Alex, Reagan and Derek)

Cavity Free!

Mommy was SO bummed to find her camera out of battery for Reagan's first dentist appointent but they were able to take a pic with their computer camera that they use for teeth pics. She did SO super well! I was beyond proud! It was only supposed to be a intro visit but they were able to clean, do a flouride treatment and check for cavities. She did great! Mommy even had to step in the booth next door to get her teeth done and she did wonderful. It was cute to hear her talk to everyone. This pic is her with her goggles, the little helper stuffed toy and she's even wearing a rubber glove. Thanks SO much to Dr. Paige Wilson's Office (Dental Aesthetic Center of Firestone) these ladie swere amazing with making my sweet girl happy and comfortable! She's even excited to go back! Oh and of course - we are super proud to hear she is CAVITY FREE!!!

These feet are made for WALKING! Yes! Taylor is officially walking! 13.5 months just like Sissy. I must admit though, I think I've been tougher on Taylor when it comes to reaching milestones. A couple of steps was not walking for me - I wanted accross the room! Well, she's there and doing so well! We are all so proud of her, including Reagan who continues to applaud Taylor's efforts.
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Monday, August 18, 2008


There are Frogs everywhere up at the lake. If you're a kid or even a Dad - you can easily find them! Reagan loves them (ecspecially the baby ones) and I've been trying to get a picture of her with one all summer. So - here they are!

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Lake With The Stephens

We finally got our friends Heather and Eddie up to the lake with their kiddos! It was a great time! They even stayed the night! Everyone went tubing and half of them even got up on a wake board (Mommy, Daddy, Acacia and Alea). They all did so great! We can't wait to have them up again next year!

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Remember This Age?

Reagan is at the age of Silly Faces. Once I taught her a few she took off with it! The First Pic is just a sweetheart picture though.

More fo The Lake!

Here's Papa on his Air Chair! The easiest thing for him to do with that Bum Knee of his but he pushes himself and still Wakeboards and Skis. Not too bad for an old man. =)
My Silly Girl

Wildlife Experience

There is the Great Museum in Parker (way far from us but it was worth it) called the Wildlife Experiece. You get to learn about Wildlife and Animals in Colorado. We sawa fun movie about Water Dinosaurs. They had a great Playroom for the girls to go crazy in (this was not doubt their favorite part) and they even have a reasonably priced Cafe'. Overall - we had a great time! Here are some fun pics!
This was right out front - it was so pretty!

Reagan is building a bridge with wall magnets

Peek A Boo! They even have an area for the Itty Bitties!

Puppet Show - they seriously have over 100 animal puppets! It's crazy!
Posing with Mana

Girl in front of the Elefant in the Africa Exhibit

I thought these guys were cute!

Man and the girls. This pic is funny because reagan was afraid to stand by Man - she thought she would fall in. =)