Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School!

Here is Reagan on her first day of school. She did so great adn we are so proud of her! She cried for a second when i left and when I came back she cried again and gave me HUGE hugs because she missed us. And we so missed her too! She's my little chatter though, They played Ring Around the Rosie, again and again. They pretended to be a train, again and again. She painted with Watercolors. She ate her snack and the boy next to her had cheese. Ms. Montontae read stories to them. She play with legos. So these first few "play and adjust days" seem to be going great! So we're excited and think she'll do just fine! She's already loving it! Oh and today as day 3 - I got a hug, a kiss and I love you Mommy and she was off! Oh, already so grown up!
Our "Big Girl"

Reagan, Mommy and the Sun =)

Pledge of Allegience (check out the upside down name tag)

Sitting Oh so Lady Like. =) (We're working on this - thank heavens for Bloomers)

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