Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hmmm, Check this Picture Out

Created by Mommy and Colored by Reagan

Anything look Different!? Not seeing it yet!? Look close at Mommy. Closer, Closer, Ahhhh there it is!!! YES! Mommy is pregnant yet again! Pregnancy Number 5 is going very smoothly and this sweet Baby is due on April 9th (no more June Babies here). At first Doc thought she saw two but it's confirmed that only one healthy pea is growing well with heartrate of 140bpm at our second Ultrasound. So, get ready for Belly shots and Ultrasound pics and before we know it - our sweet bundle will be here!


Brett said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! We're so happy for you! We pray the pregnancy goes smoothly. Keep us updated!

Michelle for Scollards

Kym said...

Yay for the Morris Fam!! I predict a baby brother for Miss Reaghan and Taylor! Love the updates, keep the pics coming!