Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2 For 2 in the Cast Department

Alright so I guess we have a new family tradition in our house and I'd honestly be okay if it ended here. =) I'm sure most of your remember me falling down the stairs with Reagan when she was 18m old and breaking her leg (see pic below). 4 Weeks in a Full Leg, Hot Pink cast. Well, we're here again but this time it wasn't my fault! We were at a friends house for a BBQ and she was trying to be all fancy standing sideways on a bottom stair - she lost her balance, went to catch herself and that's when it happened. I felt so bad because at first we thought she was just over-reacting but when we got home she wouldn't put weight on her right leg. Jake squeezed, pushed, rotated and everything seemed fine so we assumed it was a sprain. We however decided to bring her to Urgent Care the following day (Sunday) and they took X-Rays and said the same - just a sprain. Well Monday Morning I got a call and she has a hairline fracture on her Tibia (front bone) near the ankle. URGH! So a two hour appointment later at barely 14 Months and only 2 weeks after learning how to walk the Hot Pink cast is back! She's adjusting pretty well just a a bit frustrated here and then but been there done that and we know she 'll be better in no time!

Sissy posing with Taylor

Reagan in her cast at 18/19m

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