Monday, March 30, 2009


WELCOME OUR BLIZZARD BABY!!! BABY CHAYCE LOGAN IS FINALLY HERE!!!! She was Born Thursday (just like my other girls) March 26th 2009 at 2:54am!!!
Arriving at the hospital at close to 2:00am Mommy was COMPLETE (so ready to roll) and Chayce was being held in only by her Bag of Waters but Mommy fought the pushing to get that epidural expecting her to be bigger that she was (still almost 1lb bigger than my biggest). The epidural was a "Delivery Dose" and took 15 minutes to take - we waited about 1/2 that time so at least it took the edge off. After 10-15 minutes of pushing she arrived beautiful and screaming (we've got a lodud one this time). The snow started within an hour of her arrival - it was awesome and we are VERY thankful that God was watching over us and got us to the hospital in time. I think she's a mix of the girls but looking more like Reagan. Daddy thinks it's tough to say. It'll be exciting to watch her grow. Jake and I are beyond thankful to Our Lord for Our three beautiful blessings! We couldn't be happier!!!
SIDE NOTE: Tummy bug has finally made it through the four of us (Mommy got it at the Hospital) and Chayce is steering clear. Taylor was at Urgent Care on Saturday Evening for croup but the steroids have seemed to help and her cold seems almost gone again - God is protecting Chayce through all of this! HUGE PRAISES!!!!!


Our Sweet Baby Girl in her take home outfit

A VERY proud Big Sissy!
Dady the next day looking handsome and kinda rested. =)

VERY Happy Family!!!

Looking like Taylor in the pic below - even the little side smile.

I do open my eyes - my cheeks are so big it's tough to see them.

Friday, March 20, 2009

37 Weeks Pregnant

So here I am FULL TERM! I'm 37w 2d in these pics. If Chayce were to come today she'd probably be great and of decent size BUT this child seems to be comfy and wants to wait until she's pushing or over 9lbs before she comes. Which is WAY different from Mommy's 7lb and 7lb 11oz babies so we'll see if the Doctor is right. I'm actually feeling great and even sleeping decently at night - this is the first pregnancy for that so I'm VERY thankful! Miss Sweet Reagan wanted to be a part of these - she wanted a pic with Baby Chayce because she "loves her so much"! LOL! Such a sweetheart! Everyone is getting pretty excited for the arrival of this sweet baby! We can't wait!

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Just fun pics. . . . .

Just some random pics of life with 2 girls (since we'll be living it with 3 soon!

Our Nightly Foot Soak (I LOVE this time with her)

Handy Manny on the computer - she LOVES the computer!!

Happy and Chilin' on Taylor's New Big Girl Bed

Baby has to "Pee Pee Toilet" =)

Reagan and her Buddy Gracie (I've known her Mom since I was this age)

Daddy and Baby T

Ahhhhh! LOL! Daddy and Taylor again. =)

My Silly Little Bucket Head

Ahhh, she looks so sweet and innocent here. =)

They beg everyone to read to them - Tee Tee Bree and the girls

First Time Roller Skating (Cousin Mel's Birthday Party) - She did GREAT!!!

Look Mom I got ready all by myself AND did my own hair! Not too bad!
Our Beautiful Wind Blown Girl
Our Sweet and Silly Taylor
"Mom - look at me" (Pretty Make-up)

Big Girl Bike!

So Reagan rode her Tri-Cycle so much that the front wheel literally tore off. To the wheels defense - it was rusted. =) SO here is the new "Reagan Hand Picked" - Big Girl Bike. She's already had SEVERAL wipe outs since she tries to ride it out back on our narrow patio. She's tough though and only cries when she sees blood. =)

36 Weeks Pregnant with Chayce

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Radio Belly Contest Take 2!

Okay so my Sister told me about this contest and I just had to enter. They wanted the belly to be creative and with their names and Logo so this is what we came up with. The cool thing is that you can eneter as many times as you want. I think this is it though. =) My friend Ami did the Wtaremelon. Like the ones Liz did (below) - I think she did a fantastic job. It was nice to be able to hang out and chat as well. Keep in mind - poor Ami is just as pregnant as me - she was a Trouper though but I'm sure sitting on the floor wasn't all that comfy.
BTW - Here is a Link to my competition. I think voting is by Size, Creativity and Why you think you should win.