Monday, March 30, 2009


WELCOME OUR BLIZZARD BABY!!! BABY CHAYCE LOGAN IS FINALLY HERE!!!! She was Born Thursday (just like my other girls) March 26th 2009 at 2:54am!!!
Arriving at the hospital at close to 2:00am Mommy was COMPLETE (so ready to roll) and Chayce was being held in only by her Bag of Waters but Mommy fought the pushing to get that epidural expecting her to be bigger that she was (still almost 1lb bigger than my biggest). The epidural was a "Delivery Dose" and took 15 minutes to take - we waited about 1/2 that time so at least it took the edge off. After 10-15 minutes of pushing she arrived beautiful and screaming (we've got a lodud one this time). The snow started within an hour of her arrival - it was awesome and we are VERY thankful that God was watching over us and got us to the hospital in time. I think she's a mix of the girls but looking more like Reagan. Daddy thinks it's tough to say. It'll be exciting to watch her grow. Jake and I are beyond thankful to Our Lord for Our three beautiful blessings! We couldn't be happier!!!
SIDE NOTE: Tummy bug has finally made it through the four of us (Mommy got it at the Hospital) and Chayce is steering clear. Taylor was at Urgent Care on Saturday Evening for croup but the steroids have seemed to help and her cold seems almost gone again - God is protecting Chayce through all of this! HUGE PRAISES!!!!!


Our Sweet Baby Girl in her take home outfit

A VERY proud Big Sissy!
Dady the next day looking handsome and kinda rested. =)

VERY Happy Family!!!

Looking like Taylor in the pic below - even the little side smile.

I do open my eyes - my cheeks are so big it's tough to see them.


Kym said...

WOW!!! A beautiful baby girl, thank you for sharing your pictures. What a perfect addition to the amazing Morris family :)

Tricia said...

She looks very much like her daddy in that 2nd picture! Congrats again, Heather, on your beautiful family! :)

Toni ~ Mom to 8 heavenly Angels and 1 earthly Angel. said...

Heather, I'm so happy that your little Princess is here. You famliy is amazing and I am so happy for you. Big (((Hugs)))