Friday, March 20, 2009

37 Weeks Pregnant

So here I am FULL TERM! I'm 37w 2d in these pics. If Chayce were to come today she'd probably be great and of decent size BUT this child seems to be comfy and wants to wait until she's pushing or over 9lbs before she comes. Which is WAY different from Mommy's 7lb and 7lb 11oz babies so we'll see if the Doctor is right. I'm actually feeling great and even sleeping decently at night - this is the first pregnancy for that so I'm VERY thankful! Miss Sweet Reagan wanted to be a part of these - she wanted a pic with Baby Chayce because she "loves her so much"! LOL! Such a sweetheart! Everyone is getting pretty excited for the arrival of this sweet baby! We can't wait!

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Anonymous said...

SO glad (and amazed) that you are still sleeping well! That stage can be so uncomfy and exhausting. Can't wait to see baby Chayce!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys! We can't wait to see pictures and meet Chayce. Sorry to here from Jake that you all have been sick. We are glad that Heather and Chayce are doing well though. Hope to see you guys soon.