Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fun WITH The Sun

The other day the girls were playing in the curtain and the sun on their sweet little faces was just TOO beautiful to catch! Even our cat Ed got in on the photo op!

Taylor's Dedication

Wow! Such a Special day! Dedicating our sweet baby girl To Our Lord! It still amazes me that God loves our children even more than we do but I find comfort in that truth. Jake and I both pray that our girls grow to love the Lord and I find myself often asking for Wisdom and Guidance to get the in the right Direction and to be a good example for them. Thanks again to all who joined us in this special day! It was beautiful!

BTW - I took a lot more pics but only put a few up. Anyone that wants to see the others, please let me know, I'll try and post them where it's easier to post a full album!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Do they look alike!?

Okay - here's the girls side by side. What do you think!? Reagan is on the left and Taylor is on the right. I purposely tried to get similar pics. Reagan is 10 months in her pics and Taylor is 9 months in hers. Take our poll (to the right) and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm 9 Months now!

Goodness! Can you believe it!? My Mommy and Daddy sure can't! I am such a big girl now and doing SO much! I Clap and say Yay whenever there's something exciting and sometimes just because it's fun. I wave, I'm babbling so much more, I love to scream and squeal (of course, I'm a girl), I love my sister and think it's funny to pull her hair (she doesn't like it though), I click my tongue, I make Raccoon and Dinosaur sounds, I play with blocks, I sing Beethoven with Reagan from her Little Einsteins DVD, I'm learning my sign language, I stand well by myself (as long as I hold on to something), I roll all over the place, I do a one armed Army Crawl pretty well now and I'm getting so close to crawling on all fours. I eat so well and I've also started some finger foods. I have 2 teeth, one more half way in and another swelling my gums (ouch), I'm a champion sleeper and napper (lucky Mom). When I went to the Doctor, my stats were almost the same as my Sissy's at 9 months. Crazy huh!? I weighed 20lbs and 14oz and I was 28 inches long. So, I'm bigger and taller than most kids my age and I have a Big Brain, I'm nice and healthy! Reagan was also 28 inches at 9 months and only 1 oz lighter. She also has a big brain, her head has always been off the charts. Mine was still on the charts at 95%. Doc said I was doing great and told Mom to beware when I start moving. He suspects with my busy little self that I'll be a handful for Mommy. Doc did give us a name and number of another Doctor for my blocked tear duct so we'll go visit him on April 29th, please keep us in your prayers on this one and Mommy will post an update. The good news is that I HAD 2 blocked ducts but one has finally fixed itself. Mommy is hoping the other does the same before my appointment.

See, I told you I stand well! I'm getting big huh!?

I LOVE playing with my Sissy's blocks! They motivate me to crawl too!

Here I am holding my Chevy Silverado

I love tearing up magazines too! I'm so silly sometimes, I make myself laugh!

Another Warm Spring Day!

This past weekend was again BEAUTIFUL! We are all SO ready for this georgeous, warm weather but it is still Spring so just when we think it's time to warm up - the temp drops 25 Degrees. Oh well - we're enjoying the warmth we do have and know that we'll be complaining about the heat before we know it! Jake and Reagan washed the truck while Taylor and I chilled in the grass! Oh and after looking at my friend Trisha's Blog and her cute little girl covered in mud I thought to myself "Hmmm, I should let Reagan get messy more often I mean she's a kiddo and that's what they love to do" so, here she is getting wet and messy! =) She had a blast and is such a good helper!

Here's Baby Taylor. "Man, that looks like SO much fun"!

"Hi Daddy! I wanna help too!"

He's accepted!

Not that we had any doubt but Daddy was accepted to CU for his Masters of Engineering Degree. His undergrad in Electrical Engineering is also from CU. We are SUPER excited and so proud of him! Go Daddy! =) Another cool plus is that this program was designed by Lockheed Martin for CU and Lockheed Martin is of course where Jake works so who knows - if they continue to take care of him, he may just move up the ladder and become a lifer!? Like his undergrad that was fully paid for by the Government (Jake was a Sniper in the US Army) we again have little to no expenses courtesy of Lockheed. So not only have they given him several promotions and raises over the last 6 months, they're paying for his school! I'd say they're taking care of him just fine! But, Jake is SUCH a hard worker and it shows! It's certainly paying off for him and he deserves it! We are so thankful in this economy that God has been providing for us in enormous ways! We know that Jake will do great - he's a bit worried about how time consuming it will be but, no rush.

Our Frequent ER Trips!

So, in my last post I was mentioning how the girls and I are recognized at a lot of places. Well the new place is the ER! Ugh! When I brought Taylor in for Croup in February - the charge nurse recognized me immediately - impressive I thought - our last visit was when Reagan broke her leg 13 months prior and I don't remember him being there when I went in to deliver Taylor. He's a really nice family guy (isn't it amazing how much people share about themselves - even as complete strangers - I must admit though - I'm guilty as well) so I think I would have remembered seeing him even if I was in pain. Well a month or so later - WE'RE BACK! This time with Reagan's cracked head needing stitches (remember my Bye, Bye Rody Post!?). This time different charge nurse, all new people so whatever - all is good and Reagan is taken care of and on her way. Sooooo, a month later (we're in April now, you following!?) I am BACK in the ER with Taylor again for Croup and Stridor AGAIN (yes, I was doing the Co-Pay math by this time. Oh and the New ER is really nice for those curious. =)) and the WHOLE Gang was there, the nice Charge nurse (he even remembered Taylor's name he said), Reagan's Buff Doctor, The nurse that looks like Sayid from Lost and they all recognized me (since Taylor was with me only 1 of the last 2 times). Of course these frequent trips set off a light bulb in Doc's head - he kept poking around (asking questions and stuff) to see if there was some underlying cause that I would be there so often. But nope - just a rough start to 2008 I suppose. So hopefully we are done with them! Everyone was very nice but 5 hours in the ER - NOT my idea of a fun evening (yeah, Our ER is #1 in the state for treating the uninsured and unfortunately it's first come, first serve insured or not). I'm hoping that the next time will be when I'm in Labor again. Because the ER is really somewhere I'd rather not be recognized!

Hey! Don't I know you!?

So - I didn't really think anything of it when I walk into the Grocery Store and the Starbucks Lady shouts out "Hi Reagan" or we stand in line at King Soopers and the checker waves to us even though we're third in line. Or the fact that Reagan gets treated like a Queen there and given little toys and treats that are supposed to go on ordered cakes. They remember what the girls and I wear - they know how many times a week we frequent. Seriously - I didn't think much of it. I mean - it's the Grocery store in a smaller town (roughly 10K I suppose) and I'm a stay at home Mom. We even take walks to pick up stuff here and there so no biggie well then we go to the Mall with Jake and he was shocked when the woman at Baby Gap knew us! LOL! He thought she was crazy when she mentioned how cute and good Reagan always is when we're there. And then I started thinking about it more that the girls and I are kinda known everywhere - several Mall stores, Target (Reagan even recognizes a "NEW" Target if we go to a different one), the Rec Center, The Library, King Soopers (we're like famous here) and OF COURSE the Doctors Office (I have 2 now so I feel like we live there during these winter months and I have healthy kiddos!) and the new place that we're recognized - THE ER!!!! What is up with that!? Read my next post to find out more about this one!