Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our Frequent ER Trips!

So, in my last post I was mentioning how the girls and I are recognized at a lot of places. Well the new place is the ER! Ugh! When I brought Taylor in for Croup in February - the charge nurse recognized me immediately - impressive I thought - our last visit was when Reagan broke her leg 13 months prior and I don't remember him being there when I went in to deliver Taylor. He's a really nice family guy (isn't it amazing how much people share about themselves - even as complete strangers - I must admit though - I'm guilty as well) so I think I would have remembered seeing him even if I was in pain. Well a month or so later - WE'RE BACK! This time with Reagan's cracked head needing stitches (remember my Bye, Bye Rody Post!?). This time different charge nurse, all new people so whatever - all is good and Reagan is taken care of and on her way. Sooooo, a month later (we're in April now, you following!?) I am BACK in the ER with Taylor again for Croup and Stridor AGAIN (yes, I was doing the Co-Pay math by this time. Oh and the New ER is really nice for those curious. =)) and the WHOLE Gang was there, the nice Charge nurse (he even remembered Taylor's name he said), Reagan's Buff Doctor, The nurse that looks like Sayid from Lost and they all recognized me (since Taylor was with me only 1 of the last 2 times). Of course these frequent trips set off a light bulb in Doc's head - he kept poking around (asking questions and stuff) to see if there was some underlying cause that I would be there so often. But nope - just a rough start to 2008 I suppose. So hopefully we are done with them! Everyone was very nice but 5 hours in the ER - NOT my idea of a fun evening (yeah, Our ER is #1 in the state for treating the uninsured and unfortunately it's first come, first serve insured or not). I'm hoping that the next time will be when I'm in Labor again. Because the ER is really somewhere I'd rather not be recognized!

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