Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm 9 Months now!

Goodness! Can you believe it!? My Mommy and Daddy sure can't! I am such a big girl now and doing SO much! I Clap and say Yay whenever there's something exciting and sometimes just because it's fun. I wave, I'm babbling so much more, I love to scream and squeal (of course, I'm a girl), I love my sister and think it's funny to pull her hair (she doesn't like it though), I click my tongue, I make Raccoon and Dinosaur sounds, I play with blocks, I sing Beethoven with Reagan from her Little Einsteins DVD, I'm learning my sign language, I stand well by myself (as long as I hold on to something), I roll all over the place, I do a one armed Army Crawl pretty well now and I'm getting so close to crawling on all fours. I eat so well and I've also started some finger foods. I have 2 teeth, one more half way in and another swelling my gums (ouch), I'm a champion sleeper and napper (lucky Mom). When I went to the Doctor, my stats were almost the same as my Sissy's at 9 months. Crazy huh!? I weighed 20lbs and 14oz and I was 28 inches long. So, I'm bigger and taller than most kids my age and I have a Big Brain, I'm nice and healthy! Reagan was also 28 inches at 9 months and only 1 oz lighter. She also has a big brain, her head has always been off the charts. Mine was still on the charts at 95%. Doc said I was doing great and told Mom to beware when I start moving. He suspects with my busy little self that I'll be a handful for Mommy. Doc did give us a name and number of another Doctor for my blocked tear duct so we'll go visit him on April 29th, please keep us in your prayers on this one and Mommy will post an update. The good news is that I HAD 2 blocked ducts but one has finally fixed itself. Mommy is hoping the other does the same before my appointment.

See, I told you I stand well! I'm getting big huh!?

I LOVE playing with my Sissy's blocks! They motivate me to crawl too!

Here I am holding my Chevy Silverado

I love tearing up magazines too! I'm so silly sometimes, I make myself laugh!

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