Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Another Warm Spring Day!

This past weekend was again BEAUTIFUL! We are all SO ready for this georgeous, warm weather but it is still Spring so just when we think it's time to warm up - the temp drops 25 Degrees. Oh well - we're enjoying the warmth we do have and know that we'll be complaining about the heat before we know it! Jake and Reagan washed the truck while Taylor and I chilled in the grass! Oh and after looking at my friend Trisha's Blog and her cute little girl covered in mud I thought to myself "Hmmm, I should let Reagan get messy more often I mean she's a kiddo and that's what they love to do" so, here she is getting wet and messy! =) She had a blast and is such a good helper!

Here's Baby Taylor. "Man, that looks like SO much fun"!

"Hi Daddy! I wanna help too!"

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