Monday, July 7, 2008

"Fire Cookies"

So Reagan has REALLY started talking a lot more here recently and I just wanted to post about a couple of her recent chit chats. Well first, she loved the "Fire Cookies" on the forth of July. LOL. My Dad kept trying to correct her but Jake and I let her roll with it. It was so cute and next year I'm sure it'll be gone but the story will be fun to tell. Her other new things are telling people they're "Driving her nuts" - okay, this one is probably from Mommy. She's pretty silly about it though and cracks us up. She also likes to elbow us and say "Knock it off" with a giggle (this one is Daddy) and she called a guy on TV a Toole after hearing Daddy call a neighbor mowing his lawn at 8:30pm a Toole (oh goodness). So needless to say Mommy and Daddy need to watch ourselves very closely because open and curious ears are close. =)

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