Monday, July 7, 2008

Our Baby is One!


Our Baby is One year old! It's so crazy to me how different kiddos can be - I have truely learned that this past year. Taylor is such a little peach and such a wonderful addition to our family! We all love her so much! She's already her own little person charming everyone with her contagious smile. She's super silly and loves making us all laugh. She's a happy little girl but can also be a little feisty if things aren't going her way. She knows she's the second child and doesn't put up with much. She's all Daddy with that charm and feisty side not to mention she looks quite a bit like her Daddy and Big Brother Logan in Heaven (Logan was all Daddy). Lucky for her she got Mommy's skin and doesn't burn like Daddy though. She also has Mommy's love for talking - she is such a chit chatty baby. She tries repeating everything and learns so much from her big sister whom she loves I think more than anything else. They are so close and love to play together! Taylor tries doing everything Reagan does which amazes me that she's not walking yet. Like Reagan, she loves boatloads of hugs and kisses and will blow a kiss to anyone and everyone and she gives the biggest sloppiest kisses ever! She puts puppies to shame! She likes, clapping, singing, screaming and giggling, she's our busy girl and keeps Mommy on her toes. She loves her sissy's tunnel and climbing and moving! She is such a joy and growing like a weed - we're thrilled to see what the next year brings.

12 Months

11 Months
10 Months
9 Months (this pic cracks me up)
Another 9 Month (I couldn't pick)

8 Months

7 Months

6 Months

5 Months (this pic also makes me laugh - I told you she was feisty)

4 Months

3 Months

2 Months

One Month

1 Day

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