Monday, July 7, 2008

Our Wyoming Vacation

Yes, Wyoming. And this first picture is what we were greeted with our first evening there. How lucky are we!? I just wish I was on he boat when Jake was wake boarding in this. It was georgeous up there! We had a great time in Wyoming though. We went up to Lake Guernsey with 6 other families (11 kiddos). We went up in a Caravan which worked out better than I thought it would - even when 22 of us stopped in Cheyenne for lunch. Jake, the girls and myself also spent a day in Cheyenne. Not a lot to do or see but it was still nice. We visited the museum, the Botanic Gardens, The Mall and stayed at The Marriott. The only bummer was car problems for us - we had to leave our truck in Cheyenne and pick it up a few days later. Oh well, we managed. We had a good timeand it was nice to get away for a bit. The girls loved the sandy beach. I must admit that I love the sand as well. Oh and poor Reagan got serious mosquito bites! No fun! She had fine on just her face even! We all soaked in lots of sun though - I think Taylor came home as tan as me and that was even getting sprayed down with 30-50 SPF every couple hours. She's our little tannin' baby.

Mana and Papa

Miss Reagan with her FAVORITE toy up there. It easily got multiple hours of play a day!

Taylor just loved watching everyone. She was quite the sand baby though. I think I'm still washing sand off her.

Daddy with his cool hair and cool girls

More cool hair. =) "Good Morning Mommy"

"Go Daddy Go"

Mommy and her girls at Cheyenne Botanic Gardens. It was super small but I still got a lot of great pics.
Reagan is going to get us busted picking all the flowers. Hee, hee.
The girls were both in great moods that day.
I was taking a picture of something else when Jake spotted this shot. Super cool. We don't see as many butterflies out here as we did when we were younger.
There were a ton of great Quote Stones, here's one of my faves.

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