Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A day at the park

The weather has been so georgeous lately, we've been at the park so much! It's great having a park just a block away! We are so ready for the warm weather.

Taylor's first ride on the swings - she loved it!


My little helper

Reagan met a couple boys at the park (even though we went with our neighbor and her son). They were so sweet and although she's barely getting the whole bike thing down, they invited her to Race with them. They eventually gave up on her because they thought she was too slow. =( She did so well though and they were so cute for including her. I was so proud of her.

Hmmmm, what are those boys up to???

this is them inviting her and explaining the rules. He told her "Since you can't turn (well) you're in the middle". . . . . .

She didn't seem to mind. Here she's turning around to get ready for the race. Needless to say she ate their dust. It was all so cute though.


Everyone takes these pictures so I thought I'd share ours.
Totally posing here

Reagan! Yes I caught you dumping water on your sisters head. =)

She acts so innocent



Easter was Wonderful this year. Service was beautiful and the time with family and home and away was great. Every year we go to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Elizabeth. They have a farm with some animals so it's fun for the girls. Here's a couple pics.

Taylor and her new Bunny that she LOVES!

This is Reagan post hair style. It's a long drive to Elizabeth so all bets are off when it comes to hair and shoes. Reagan had to wear her Christmas shoes because Mommy bought her sandals and there was snow on the ground Easter morning. =(


Daddy and Taylor (isn't it beautiful up there?)

Reagan feeding the horse (this horse was so great because there were several of us around)

Reagan putting an egg in her bag during the hunt and still looking for more

Taylor and Aunti Kim

Our Sweethearts

Church Egg Hunt

After Nemo on Ice - we picked up some lunch, dropped off Mana and Tee Tee and then Reagan (although both had colds), figuring it was outside I thought it would be safe since she wouldn't be too close to anyone but, it was not. I SO hope we didn't get anyone sick! So - she had a blast and collected TONS of eggs! The church had an awesome turnout and did a great job! It was super exciting!

Mid Collection, she's fillin up!

I think I cut her off about here. . . .=)

Reagan and Her "Best Friend" Ellie

Mommy and her Girls

Easter Eggs

Here are the eggs of 2008. We had fun and even spilled dye all over Mana's rug - thank goodness it's plum! Lots of pink eggs though (or variations of)! Anything not pink was because Mom wanted variety - Reagan was fine with all pink. The browninsh looking one (2nd on the top row) Mommy thought looked "Nasty" so the word of the night with Reagan was "Nasty". Goodness - she's at THAT age! We'd better watch what we say huh!?

Nemo on Ice

So let me start with a "THANKS PAPA"!!! My dad bought us girls (My Mom, my Sis, Me, Reagan and Taylor was Free) tickets to Nemo on Ice (both him and Jake worked) and can I just say WOW! I know, I'm a geek but I was just amazed by it all and so was my sweet little girl! The look on her face as she walked up the entry stairs was SO, SO, SOOO priceless and sweet! It seriously made me cry! Just the innocence and delight - it was adorable. I cried happy tears a few times that day. We all had so much fun! Reagan has been talking about it for days! This was the first of anything like this she's done. Both girls did great! The only bummer was that both of themwoke up with yucky colds that morning and we had a long day planned with an Easter Egg hunt after Nemo (I was thinking about skipping but you'll see in another post that Reagan wouldn't let us miss that one).

Here is Reagan with her overpriced Nemo light that Mana bought her

This pic is hilarious - my sis and I were laughing so hard - we just had to take it. So Reagan is pointing out an "I need" while Mana in the background is getting cash from the ATM. HILARIOUS! And can you say spoiled a bit!? =)

Anything with the girls can be an event - I decided to carry Taylor in her front facing carrier and I haven't used it in awhile. She barely fit - it took two of us to get her clipped in. Probably the last time she'll be in that! This is us.

Mommy and her girls. Reagan is obviously captivated by the pre show blabbing.

Taylor and TeeTee Bree

Marlon and Dori (Reagan loves Dori)

Marlon and Crush

Mickey, Minnie and the Nemo Gang saying Good Bye. Reagan was waving the ENTIRE show it was so cute!

Dinner without Daddy

So my Mother In Law brought it to my attention awhile back that I don't post many pics of myself and really - I don't get many taken of me (on my camera at least) so - after dinner one night when Daddy was working late - I took a few myself with the girls. Messy faces and all. We actually had a lot of fun - just being silly and stuff.

Friday, March 14, 2008

I can do piggies too!

For the last 8 months of her sweet little life, Taylor has watched Mommy put Reagan's hair into piggies. Just dreaming that one day she would get to wear them as well! Her favorite thing about Reagan's piggies is that she can pull them! =)

Reagan and her piggies and now. . . . . . .

Taylor with her piggies!!! Cute huh!?

Hmmmm, what do I think about these!?

Yay! I love them!!

Just when I thought I couldn't get any cuter, Boy am I cute now!

Bye Bye Rody. . . . . .

So, this toy - Rody (pictured below with Taylor) was a MUST HAVE for Reagan's 2nd Birthday and after many falls and crashes from Reagan and her friends - we put it away. It made it's way back out about a month ago and again - many bumps bruises and crashes but against Daddy's judgement, Mommy decided to keep it out and just make sure Reagan played near the center of the room. Well - we had Reagan's friend Gracie and her parents Julie and Andy over and Reagan was bouncing around and bounced right off catching a corner of our wall. It was about 7:00pm so we left Taylor with Julie and Andy (Mana and Pap were on their way to watch Taylor) and we had to go to the ER. . . . .

these stitches were the result (not a great pic but you can see them). She is SUCH a Trouper though! I think the scariest part was just being held against her will to get the stitches in. I think she'll do fine getting them out (daddy may just do it or Mommy feels more comfortable with Med Student Uncle Toby so we'll see). She tells everyone her story and tells Mommy that her Boo-Boo is all better! She even lets Mommy put piggies in her hair and the next day I was even allowed to brush it! She was SO brave and tough! We are super proud of her! Kids bounce back so quickly it's amazing. Kinda crazy timing though - it was a little over a year ago that we were in the ER for a broken leg! Thank goodness this wasn't that again!

"It's not green!!!"

So, our poor Mitsubishi had an early dismissal from The Morris Home. The cool black rims and everything - it's all gone! I can tell you one thing though - we LOVED this truck! It was a great truck and we never had any problems with it. We'll miss it!
And now the story. . . . .I had Jury Duty that morning and the guy took the plea bargin so we all went home. Jake was watching the girls and when I got home we thought it would be a nice day to get out and look at trucks to compare with Minivans (little did I know we'd be coming home with a new SUV that day but when Jake started calling insurance and our bank I knew something may be in the works). Both girls went car shopping with us that day (we've been looking into this for quite awhile though) and they were pooped by the time we made a decision (we were using two lots against eachother and got a great deal) but they had fun. We brought them home and while Mana and Papa watched them (Thank you again) - (can I tell you how blessed we are to have grandparents so close - both sets at that) - we went back and bought our new ride. . . . . . .

We decided to upsize! We bought a 2004 Dodge Durango Hemi with under 40K on it (yes and a transferable warranty). When we arrived home early that evening - Reagan came out running - she was SUPER excited!!! It was THE CUTEST thing ever and a sweet image I hope to never forget. She squatted down in glee and clapped a couple times and announced "It's not Green"!!! She then ran over to look inside and yelled "And it's clean"!!! LOL! Not when she starts riding in it. =) She jumped right in - sat in the back seat and tried getting buckled. Jake could barely get her out. She calls this truck "Brown". =)

Brown is in MINT condition! The lady before us didn't have kiddos from the sounds of it. =) We LOOOOVE this truck! It's got the 3rd row option and rides like a Cadillac - it's awesome! Now our goal after 3 tickets in about 6 weeks last year is to try to stay ticket free which is nearly impossible in Firestone ecspecially with a Hemi but the Radar Detector I got for Mother's Day last year has been a great help! But now even Jake has to to watch his speed. It's really easy to go fast! The Hemi will be great for towing a trailer for the lake and even my Dad's boat if he needs us to. We've already had 4 adults and the two girls in it and it sounds like everyone was fairly comfortable. So as much as we had planned for a minivan - we just didn't do it. I think we made the right choice though!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

All that hair

So I just had to posta couple hair pics of my girls because I am always amazed at how much they both have! Taylor has even more than Reagan did at this age. It's crazy! I wish I was better with hair - oh well. I must admit I worry about one of them getting ahold of the scissors one day and chopping it all off. Let's just not think about that one. . . . . .

I dig my mohawk!

I need a trim!

THE Bug!!!

Soooo, daddy, Reagan and Taylor all got SUPER sick in the month of Feb! Jake had the Flu and Pnemonia, Reagan had the Flu and an ear infection and Taylor hung on and stayed healthy with Mommy but it eventually got to her as well! It was SUCH a bummer! We ended up in the ER for Croup - she also had RSV, a double ear infection and a cold in her eye (kinda like pink eye). First 10 day round of antibiotics didn't work so weeks later we're trying new antibiotics and new eye drops for Taylor. Reagan and Daddy are well now and by a miracle of God - Mommy is still healthy!!! Below are a couple "sick" pics. I have some SUPER bad ones of Taylor but decided just to post these. I hope everyone reading this is staying healthy but it seems to be getting everyone!!!! Evil Bug!!!!!
I can barely breath Mama!

Trying to keep my spirits up

Reagan is quite the Drama Queen because she was already feeling better by this point but she put on a great act for the camera.